Page 21 - Insurance Times September 2021
P. 21

covered in the Major minerals. The Central government has  7% in the coming years with the growing demand from
         the power to regulate, make laws and policy regarding the  other sectors.
         Major minerals in the country.
                                                              Let us now discuss in brief about few mining types:
         The Mines and Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act,  Y  Surface Mining: When the top layer of gravel and sand
         1957 (MMDR Act) is the federal law for overall regulation  is then and the miner or the deposits of ore are found
         of the sector.                                          near the surface. This method is broadly used and is
                                                                 predominant in Indian mining industry. It uses heavy
         The Mines Act 1952 - for health and safety in the mines and  equipment to extract the minerals.
         its operations.                                         This type of mining is sometimes controversial as it is
                                                                 done closer to the surface of the land, it is said that it
         Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act  leaves behind a large chunk of that land fallow and
         2002 - Regulates offshore mineral resources.            unsuitable for cultivation.

                                                              Y  In-Pit Crushing and Conveying: It is also done closer
         Mining Regulatory bodies in India:                      to the surface but for the harder minerals that are
         Y   Geological Survey of India                          difficult to be transported as a single ore. Therefore,
         Y   Indian Bureau of Mines                              the ore is crushed in the mine itself and are then
                                                                 transported using the conveyor belt. It is a gradual
         Y   Controller of Mining Leases
                                                                 method as the mine goes deeper and does not require
         Y   Directorate General of Mines Safety                 any form of tunnelling. It can be as deep as 1000
                                                                 meters. This technique works well in the horizontal
         Types of Mining and Methods:                            movement of mine face and becomes difficult when the
                                                                 mine face goes vertical. It is not even affected much
         Mining is the core sector that is essential for the Indian
                                                                 by the bad weather.
         economy as it almost contributes about 2 - 2.5 percent of
         country's GDP and also is important for the growth of other  Once the mining is complete the pit is covered or filled
         industries like iron and steel, power, cement etc. It is known  with sand and clay. The land can take hundreds or
         to all that there are primarily two types of mining: Surface/  thousands years to recover naturally as during the
         Opencast and Underground mining. The option to choose   process the soil underneath became acidic. It can be
         the type explicitly depends on the depth, geology,      used for recreational or rehabilitation purposes till it can
         topography, mineral and the cost of labour and mechanisms.  be made available for environmental purposes.
                                                              Y  Underground Mining: This method of mining is used
         In India, the surface mining is more prevalent as it has low  when the demand for the minerals increase and the
         cost of equipment and technology. For Underground mining  open cast mining cannot suffice the demand raised. As
         India is not yet technologically advanced and cannot deploy  the minerals in the deeper part of the earth are of rich
         such heavy machinery without any experience. To get the  quality and the output is more. It includes networks of
         maximum benefit out of the process, it is very important to  shafts and tunnels that are dug deep inside the earth's
         choose the type of mining very wisely as the cost and   crust to reach exact site of the deposit ore. This process
         production will depend largely on it. Though much of India's  is very expensive and tiring in nature but the waste rock
         mineral resources are yet to be fully explored. Government  created is low and hence it is preferred. The percentage
         with its public sectors companies stays the largest     or ore recovered depends on safety considerations. The
         production and participation unit in the sector.        deeper we dig, the less safe the mining becomes. Major
                                                                 issue is of ventilation and oxygen toxicity.

         With growth in the sector of infrastructure and automobiles,  Y  In-Situ Mining: Or solution mining. This process is rarely
         there would be rise in the demand of power and steel which  used in mining material as it is quite complex as a
         in turn boost the investment and the technology in the  process. A solution is pumped into the ore body,
         mining sector. Currently, very small geographical area  dissolving the ore and the dissolved ore is then
         (0.14% approx.) is under mining lease and 20% of it is actually  extracted by the second pump. Mostly in Uranium
         mined. But, it is estimated that the sector would grow by  mining this method is used.

                                                                     The Insurance Times, September 2021 21
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