Page 51 - Insurance Times September 2021
P. 51


              IRDAI Circular

         Solvency Margin for Crop Insurance of Floods (July 2021) in the calamity
         Business                                             affected districts of Maharashtra State

         IRDA/ACT/CIR/SLM/217/08/2021                         IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/ 226 /08/2021
                                             Date:04-08-2021                                     Date: 06-08-2021

         1. This circular is issued in accordance with the power  1. As you are aware, the recent floods (July 2021) have
             vested under Section 14(2)(e) of the IRDA Act, 1999  caused immense loss to property in parts of Maharashtra
             read with Section 34(1) of the Insurance Act, 1938.  State. General Insurers may have issued policies for
                                                                 protection of lives and property located in the affected
         2. Reference is drawn to the Circular No. IRDA/ACT/CIR/
                                                                 areas. There is an urgent need for the insurance industry
             SLM/066/03/2017 dated 28th March, 2017.
                                                                 to take immediate steps to mitigate the hardships of the
         3.    The provision of Para-6.1.1 is revised as under:  affected insured population by ensuring immediate
             3.1. Premium receivables related to State / Central  registration and settlement of eligible claims.
                 Government sponsored schemes for all quarters of  2. You are advised to initiate immediate steps for quick
                 the FY 2021-22 to the extent that they are not  registration and disposal of claims on the following
                 realized within a period of 270 days should be  lines: -
                 placed with value zero.                         a. Please nominate a senior officer at the company
         4. The provisions of Para-6.2, Para-6.3 and Para-6.3.1 shall  level who would act as a Nodal Officer for the
             remain effective for one more financial year, that is, for  affected State. The Nodal Officer would be
             the period from 1st April, 2021 up to 31st March, 2022  coordinating the receipt, processing, and
             and the situation will be reviewed accordingly.         settlement of all eligible claims. The Nodal officer
                                                                     should contact Chief Secretary/ Officer concerned
         5. Insurers to continue follow-up with the Central and
             State Governments for release of their share of         of the state immediately and be in regular contact
                                                                 b. Similarly, District level Nodal officer may be
         6. This Circular comes into force with effect from 1st April,
                                                                     appointed in each affected district to liaise with
                                                                     DM/District Administration.
         (P K Arora)                                             c.  The contact particulars of the Nodal Officer may
         Member (Actuary)                                            also be conveyed to us and the same may be given
                                                                     due publicity in the press and through State Govt.

         Guidelines on Insurance Claims of victims                   to enable immediate filing of Claims. In addition to
                                                                     this 24/7 help lines may be started.

                                                                     The Insurance Times, September 2021 51
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