Page 3 - Ebook IC S01
P. 3
Survey And Loss Assessment IC-S01
In simple terms Risk can be expressed for a business as uncertainty that will
not allow the business targets to be achieved and the degree of the effects on
targets will depend upon the degree of risk. This can also apply to any activity
like safely crossing the road, building a new factory,etc.
But risk is not always loss causing and some risks may cause both loss and gain
(usually to different people as with the extra work a repairer gets after a bad
Types of Risks
They may be physical, causing direct harm or damage, or social, causing loss
of reputation or damage to self esteem.
Sometimes a risk is not conscious. New risk situations may arise .from a
combination of physical circumstances e.g. Use of new materials, new type of
machinery etc.
Associated risks also include
Currency inconvertibility &/or Non-Transfer
Political Violence/War
Business Interruption & Contingent Business Interruption
Non-honouring of Promissory notes, Letters of Credit or sovereign guarantees,
Contract Frustration
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