Page 70 - Ebook IC S01
P. 70
Survey And Loss Assessment IC-S01
A breach of condition precedent will enable the insurer to avoid the policy from
its commencement
A breach of condition subsequent will entitle the insurer to avoid the policy after
the breach has occurred
A breach of condition precedent to liability will prevent the insured from
recovering a particular loss, the policy remaining unaffected
If any modifications are required in the policy already issued, it is done through by
attaching a memorandum to the policy known as endorsement. It is attached to the
policy and forms part of it. Endorsements can also be issued during the currency of
the policy to record alterations.
Interpretation of policies
The most important rule of construction is that the intention of the parties must
prevail and this intention is to be looked for in the policy itself. If the policy is
issued in an ambiguous manner it will be interpreted by the courts in favour of
the insured.
Written portion overrides the printed portion
Policy is to be interpreted as a whole, not in parts
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