Page 7 - Insurance Times Janaury 2021
P. 7

The bulk of uninsured vehicles are two-  compensation. There is no compensa-  year, jumped to around $7,000 levels.
         wheelers, with the numbers being as  tion for damaged vehicles," said an  But this still remains among the lowest
         high as 66 per cent. "There were 15  official.                        globally.
         states which had uninsured vehicles to
                                                                               Aside from a relatively low cover,
         the extent of more than 60 per cent,"  India's deposit insurance      reimbursements also appear to take
         said the report. In most cases, the                                   longer in India. According to the IADI
         renewals are not done after the first  cover remains lowest           Survey, deposit insurers across the
         year.                              The Budget 2020-21 had brought some  globe are devoting more resources to
                                            respite to depositors by increasing the
         India is one of the largest auto markets                              improving their performance on
                                            deposit insurance cover to Rs.5 lakh
         in the world with over 20 million                                     reimbursing insured deposits, and this
         vehicles sold annually. It is also among  from Rs. 1 lakh earlier.    has resulted in reductions in
         the countries with the highest number  Yet the latest annual survey by the  reimbursement periods. The average
         of road accidents and fatalities. "In this  International Association of Deposit  number of days to begin depositor
         grim scenario, it is a double whammy  Insurers (IADI) reveals that India ranks  reimbursement has been reduced to
         when more than half the vehicles in  in the bottom 20 among the 110-odd  seven in 60 per cent of jurisdictions, up
         the country are uninsured," IIB said.  countries in terms of insurance cover.  from 33 percent in 2013. The
                                            The coverage limits range from below  reimbursement periods begin from the
         According to IIB, of the over 23.12
         crore vehicles on the road in India as  $1,000 to $300,000; India's Rs. 5-lakh  date of the closure of the bank.
                                            cover works out to about $7,000,
         of March 31, 2019, nearly 57 per cent                                 In India, according to the 2019-20
         were uninsured; in 2017-18, 54 per  according to the IADI Survey (around  annual report of Deposit Insurance and
                                            $6,800 as per current exchange rate).
         cent of the nearly 21.11 crore vehicles                               Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
         on the road were uninsured.        Countries such as Philippines ($9,875),  (DICGC), the average number of days
                                            Mexico ($1,35,222), Argentina      between de-registration of a bank and
         "The uninsured vehicles largely
                                            ($25,130) Russian Federation       claim settlement (first claims) was
         comprise two-wheelers, and this is
                                            ($22,615), Turkey ($25,253), Malaysia  about 508 days during the fiscal.
         quite obvious as nearly 75 per cent of
                                            ($61,080) and Brazil ($62,033) rank
         the total vehicles in India consist of                                There are essentially four mandates
                                            way higher than India, according to
         two-wheelers. In this class, over 60 per  the latest IADI Survey.     followed across jurisdictions. Paybox -
         cent of the vehicles remain uninsured,                                the deposit insurer is only responsible
         whereas cars are largely insured, with  The majority of the 110 deposit  for the reimbursement of insured
                                            insurance systems (DIS) across the
         the uninsured numbers quite low at                                    deposits; Paybox-plus - insurer has
                                            world are legislated and administered
         around 10 per cent," the report said.                                 additional responsibilities, such as
                                            by the public sector, although around  certain resolution functions (financial
         About 52 per cent vehicles don't renew
                                            one    quarter    are   privately  support); loss minimiser - where insurer
         their insurance after the first year -  administered, says the survey.
         mostly two-wheelers fall out of the                                   actively engages in a selection from a
                                            IADI has been monitoring the global  range of least-cost resolution
         insurance net at the time of the first
         renewal of the insurance policy.   Covid situation and its impact on  strategies; and risk minimser - insurer
                                            deposit insurers. According to it, unlike  has comprehensive risk minimisation
         According to the Motor Vehicles Act,  the financial crisis of 2008, most  functions, including a full suite of early
         2019, it is mandatory for all vehicles to  deposit insurers have not opted to  intervention and resolution powers.
         be insured with third-party vehicle  increase deposit insurance coverage.
         insurance policy. Third-party or liability                            Around 25 per cent of deposit insurers
                                            The survey notes that the average  are assigned a 'pay box' mandate,
         insurance covers the legal liability
                                            level of coverage was around $70,000  according to IADI, while 40 per cent of
         arising due to death or disability of  per depositor per institution across the
         third party loss or damage to their                                   systems followed a 'play box-plus'
                                            globe. The regions with the highest  mandate. India follows a paybox
                                            average coverage levels are Europe  mandate, while Argentina and Brazil
         "When an uninsured vehicle meets   and North America ($110,000). India's  follow pay-box plus mandate. Brazil
         with an accident, the injured or   cover, at an abysmal $1,446 before the  and Malaysia have a wider risk
         relatives of dead people don't get any  increase in the Budget in February this  minimiser mandate. T
                                                                        The Insurance Times, January 2021    7
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