Page 33 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 33


          NPAs impact on Banks:                               Competition: There is a competition amongst the bank
                                                              themselves and provide higher quantum of unsecured loan.
          Banks have to keep aside fund to make a provisioning of
          prescribed percentage to compensate for the loss due to
                                                              What is a bad Bank?
          bad assets. It affects the profitability of banks as they have
          lesser funds available for lending. As a result of rising NPAs  The idea of a Bad bank was first mentioned in Economic
          of banks reduce the money supply in  the economy and  survey 2016-17. Public Sector Asset Rehabilitation Agency
          leading to an economic slowdown. As a result of provisioning  or PARA, to buy out the NPAs of high value from Indian
          and losses incurred by the bank capital crisis also occurs  Banks. Two Models proposed by Shri Viral Acharya; former
          which results in capital demand from the Government and  RBI Dy. Governor in their speech on ways to Resolve Banks
          the Govt. has to infuse the capital for the credit flow in the  Stressed  Assets. 1.  PAMC-  Private  Asset  Management
          economy.                                            Company, 2. NAMC- National Asset Management Company.
                                                              The Indian Banks Association (IBA), have refloated an old
          There are some main reasons for the rise in banking NPA's.  idea of creating a bad bank to Finance Ministry and RBI,
                                                              proposing equity contribution from the govt. and the banks.
          Crony capitalism:  It is the nexus between political and the
          business class which have led to the rise of NPAs in banks.  Bad bank is an Asset Reconstruction Company which are
                                                              specialized financial institutions that buy NPAs of banks/
          The Government policies: Some of the government policies  lenders to help clear their balance sheets. Banks sell stressed
          viz. waiving of agricultural loans have increased NPAs of  assets such as delinquent loans to bad banks at a mutually
          public sector banks.                                agreeable price to get rid of them and focus on normal
                                                              banking services. ARCs purchase the rights of banks in loans,
          Frauds of high magnitude:  Some frauds happened in the  debentures and bonds with the main intention of recovering
          recent past which leads to rise in NPAs. Such as the Rs.14000  them over time. The banks sell their non-performing assets
          crore scam in Punjab National Bank by Nirav Modi as per  to ARCs, where they get 15% of the value of these assets in
          the news.                                           cash upfront as per RBI  norms and the remaining  85%
                                                              through security receipts (SRs) and bonds, which have a
          The Global Finance Crisis:  The global crisis in 2008 impacted  maximum maturity period of six years. When ARCs recover
          corporate's ability to repay their bank loans which in turn  the  bad  loans,  they  repay  the  banks  after  deducting
          impacted  the  banks  ability  to  lend  more  money  to  management fees.
                                                              As  per  IBA  proposal  The  Bad  Bank  will  be  a  2-tiered
          Bad Lending Practices: When the bank neglect basic factors  structure;
          like repaying capacity the accounts turns NPA in future.
                                                              Tier I: ARCs backed by Government
                                                              Tier II: ARCs run by Pubic and Private Bodies including banks.

                                                              Regulations for Asset Reconstruction Company:
                                                                 Asset Reconstruction Company is a company registered
                                                                 under section 3 of the Securitization and Reconstruction
                                                                 of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest
                                                                 (SARFAESI) Act 2002.

                                                                 It is regulated by Reserve Bank of India as Non-Banking
                                                                 Financial Company (u/s 451(f) (iii) of RBI Act 1934)
                                                                 ARCs must have minimum Net Owned Funds of Rs.100
                                                                 Crore and maintain a Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of
                                                                 15% of RWA (Risk Weighted Assets).

                                                                 The banks must transfer NPAs to ARCs at the net book

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