Page 42 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 42


          Important FBF is different                          Features of MPBF METHOD
          Flexible Bank Finance (FBF)  method is a  re-engineered  Tandon  Committee  came  up  with  the  findings  and
          version of Maximum Permissible  Bank  Finance (MPBF)  recommendations on financing working capital requirements
          Method with borrower friendly approach where the scope  and suggested three approaches (report submitted in year
          of Current Assets is broadened.                     1975)
                                                              I.  Committee considered bank credit as the source of last
          Under Flexible Bank Finance (FBF) method a more liberal  resort which should be tapped only after all the internal
          approach is adopted in working out current assets with  (promoter's contribution) and external sourced (Sundry
          changed business scenario and economic ecosystem in our  Creditors) of funding working capital requirement at the
          country.                                               disposal of enterprise is exhausted. The role of NWC as
                                                                 promoter's margin towards WC requirement is firmly
          Various  Assessment  Methods  for                      established in the process.

          Working Capital Requirement                         II. In view of the above observations Tandon committee
                                                                 prescribed three alternative methods of WC finance also
          The prevalent Working Capital assessment methods
                                                                 known as MPBF (Maximum Permissible Bank Finance).
          are -
                                                              III. All three methods recognised that banks would lend only
          1)  Maximum Permissible Bank Finance (MPBF) Method
                                                                 a portion of working capital gap (WCG), which is the
          2)  Turnover Method
                                                                 value of acceptable level of CA after netting of the other
          3)  Cash Budget Method                                 sources of funding WC requirement.

          A  working  Group  headed  by  Shri  P.  L.  Tandon  was
                                                              First Method of Lending
          constituted by RBI in July 1974 to suggest methods for
                                                              Under this  method, margin  contribution of borrowing
          effective delivery of industrial credit based on performance
                                                              enterprise which would be at minimum level of 25% of WCG.
          and projections of borrower. This committee came out with
                                                              Such margin is contributed by NWC  of enterprise. This
          inventory and receivables norms meaning thereby that
                                                              method required current ratio at a minimum level of 1.17:1.
          borrowing entity should maintain only required level of
          current assets and move towards leaner inventory and
                                                              Second Method of Lending
          receivables  holding  period.    Concept  of  Maximum
                                                              Under this method, borrower contribution is minimum 25%
          Permissible Bank Finance (MPBF) was enunciated by the
                                                              of total current assets requiring current ratio at a minimum
          committee for assessment of working capital and suggested
                                                              level of 1.33:1.
          methods to ensure judicious allocation of bank credit.
          Turnover Method was prescribed by Shri. P.R.Nayak and is  Third Method of Lending
          based on sales cycle of an industry, where bank credit to  Under this method, borrower's contribution is to the extent
          the borrowers' margin should be maintained in the range  of  entire  core  current  assets  comprising  of  absolute
          of 80:20 i.e working capital limit shall be computed at 20%  minimum level of raw materials, stock in process, finished
          of the projected sales turnover accepted by the bank. The  goods and stores to ensure continuity of production and a
          most important and basic assumption of this method was  minimum of 25% of balance current assets is financed out
          the working cycle which was accepted to be of 3 months  of the long term funds and term borrowings. This method
          (90 days).                                          was not accepted for implementation and is of academic
                                                              interest only.
          Cash Budget Method is adopted in case of specific industries/
          seasonal  activities  such  as  Software  development,  Some prescriptions of Tandon Committee in above methods
          Construction industry, Film industry, Sugar, Fertilizers etc and  were very  stringent and could not find place  in Indian
          working capital short term loans. Here, required finance is  business environment, post liberalisation of Indian economy
          arrived at from the projected cash flows and not from the  and hence RBI made it  optional in 1997, giving greater
          projected values of assets and liabilities.         operational freedom to banks in dispensation of credit.

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