Page 13 - Insurance Times April 2022
P. 13

shield against cancer treatments as  tations or availing of a tele-consulting  Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman,
         well as increase the penetration of  facility.                        while presenting the Budget-2022-23,
         health insurance in India.         "We did a soft launch in January and  said the programme will be launched
         Usha Thorat, Trustee, Indian Cancer  we will be onboarding parents in a  to improve access to quality mental
         Society said, "The Indian Cancer Soci-  phased manner," said Bindlish. "We  health counselling and care services
         ety realises that the high and rising cost  have jointly developed this product  which will consist of digital registries of
         of cancer treatment is beyond the  with Care Health Insurance by provid-  health providers and health facilities,
         reach of several million Indians who  ing them data and technical inputs to  unique health identity, consent frame-
                                                                               work, and universal access to health
         are not eligible for government    underwrite this," he added.
         schemes including Ayushman Bharat  Although the regulator has allowed for  facilities.
         that covers the poorest strata of soci-  covering mental health and managed  Dr Girdhar Gyani, Director General,
         ety. For those above these limits and  care, insurers have not been forthcom-  Association of Healthcare Providers
         the middle income, there are no insur-  ing in providing this cover. Mom's Be-  (India), said the government's intent of
         ance products that are affordable and  lief has facilitated this by defining the  focusing on setting up 23-mental
         mitigate the financial burden of holis-  benefits that will be provided and build-  health centres will be beneficial in gen-
         tic cancer treatment. The experience  ing the servicing network on its own.  eral and more specifically for long
         of Indian Cancer Society Cancer Cure  Users will also get cover for pathology  COVID patients.
         Fund shows that Rs 5 lakh cover will  and nutrition consulting on a co-pay
         cover the cost of treatment of most  basis. There are plans to widen the  Govt wary of insurance in-
         common cancers. We are happy that  scope of coverage in coming months. flating healthcare costs
         Niva Bupa has responded to our chal-                                  Revenue secretary Tarun Bajaj said that
         lenge and has launched an affordable  A Rs 1.5-lakh policy will cover  the government is wary about health
         group insurance plan."             hospitalisation for up to Rs 1 lakh and
                                            non-hospitalisation treatment, includ-  insurance driving up healthcare infla-
         Startup offers health cover        ing therapy benefits, for up to Rs  tion. Responding to a call from industry
                                                                               to reduce goods and services tax
                                            50,000. The premium for this policy
         with therapy for neuro             will be about Rs 16,000, depending on  (GST) on health insurance from the
         disorders                          tax slabs. The therapy benefit itself will  present level of 18%, Bajaj said that

         Parents of children with neuro-devel-  be worth Rs 25,000," said Bindlish..  they could make a representation to
         opmental disorders can get health in-  The four types of specialists available  the Basavaraj Bommai-led group of
         surance coverage, which includes   include occupational therapists, speech  ministers on GST rationalisation.
         therapy and other consultation ben-  therapists, special educators, and child  "I have myself worked on the insurance
         efits, through a group insurance policy  psychologists. "We are a social enter-  side of the government and somewhat
         of a startup, Mom's Belief, which has  prise, we work on volumes so that we  understand what you are saying," said
         tied up with Care Health Insurance.  can pass on the benefits. We also rely  Tarun Bajaj, responding to industry
         Mom's Belief is founded by Nitin   very heavily on technology as centres  demand for a cut in GST on health in-
         Bindlish, who is also the company's  cannot be opened everywhere. We  surance voiced by CII president-desig-
         CEO, with funding from high-profile  can cover the remotest areas using  nate and Bajaj Finserv chairman Sanjiv
         individual investors.                                                 Bajaj. "The only thing is that we do not
                                            technology," he added.
         The company's objective is to have                                    go the way of some of the developed
         holistic child development and to em- National tele mental            nations, where health costs go up not
         power parents of children with special  health programme              just because of inflation but also be-
         needs by providing them with tools and                                cause of insurance," said Tarun Bajaj.
         professional support. In addition to  Healthcare experts have welcomed  In the US, health insurance is seen as
         providing the regular hospitalisation  the Centre's announcement of a Na-  one of the drivers of the rise in prices
         cover, the policy also provides man-  tional Tele Mental Health Programme,  as they increase the demand for
         aged care benefits and various thera-  especially in view of the long COVID,  healthcare services, thereby enabling
         pies. Mom's Belief is also creating ca-  but highlighted that the Union Budget  private healthcare providers to in-
         pacity and will increase the number of  did not give adequate attention to  crease their prices. In India too the
         its therapy centres from 100 to 400 in  other critical issues such as incentives  insurance regulator has been calling
         six to nine months. Policyholders will  for health insurance and skill develop-  for powers to regulate the healthcare
         have the option of face-to-face consul-  ment.                        sector. T

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