Page 17 - Banking Finance March 2023
P. 17


          Mutual Fund


          SIP inflows in January hit        registered, which indicates increasing  Tax experts suggest that the post-tax
                                            investor belief in the instrument."  returns need to be factored in although
          new  high  of  Rs  13,856                                            government officials believe that de-
                                            The Amfi data showed that it was in
          crore                             October last year when monthly SIP  spite tax on the earnings, it still offers
                                                                               among the best re-turns. For someone
          Despite high volatility in the country's  flows topped the Rs 13,000-crore mark
                                                                               in the 30% tax bracket, the post-tax
          stock market and global uncertainty,  for the first  time and has remained
                                                                               return works out to around 5. 6%. The
          retail  investors  continued  to  pour  above  that  figure  for  the  last  four
                                                                               decision to enhance the limit follows
          money into equities through the mu-  months. Since January of last year, to-
                                                                               demands from some of the subscribers.
          tual fund route during January.   tal inflow through the SIP route was
                                            almost Rs 79,450 crore.            The government has budgeted for a
          As a result, monthly inflows into mu-
                                                                               significant part of the increase in the
          tual fund schemes through the system-
          atic investment plan (SIP) route scaled 50k-70k  senior  citizens    small savings kitty to come from the
                                                                               SCSS,  officials indicated. During the
          a new all-time peak of Rs 13,856 crore,
                                            may  opt for  Rs. 30L de-
          while  small-cap funds attracted net                                 next financial year, the government
          inflows of nearly Rs 2,250 crore, the posit scheme                   expects the flows into small savings
                                                                               schemes, which include public provi-
          highest among all equity schemes, data  The government expects as much as
                                                                               dent fund and post office deposits, to
          released by fund industry trade body  10% of the seven lakh senior citizens,
                                                                               increase, after seeing adip during the
          Amfi showed.                      who are using the full benefit of the
                                                                               current financial year. The net accre-
                                            Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (SCSS),
          According to Amfi chief executive N S
                                                                               tion is budgeted to increase 7. 4% to
                                            to take advantage of the decision to
          Venkatesh, the  latest  industry data
                                                                               over Rs 4. 7 lakh crore.
                                            double the investment limit to Rs 30
          shows a  positive trend in equity MF
                                            lakh from next financial year.     The other source  of accretion is ex-
          flows. Small-cap funds have witnessed
                                                                               pected to come from the Monthly In-
          inflows, majorly driven by retail inves-  Of  the  50  lakh  subscribers  of  the
                                                                               come Scheme, where the investment
          tors as their investment is for the long  scheme, which currently offers 8% an-
                                                                               limit has been doubled to Rs 9 lakh for
          term. "Encouraging SIP numbers indi-  nually, around 15% currently use the
                                                                               single account and to Rs 15 lakh from
          cate retail investors' trust in mutual  entire limit, data available with the fi-
                                                                               Rs  9  lakh  for  joint  accounts.  The
          funds. We believe that SIP inflow mo-  nance ministry showed. While contri-
                                                                               scheme currently offers 7. 1% to sub-
          mentum has and will continue to bal-  bution up to Rs 1. 5 lakh is eligible for
          ance out the FII outflows in the mar-  benefits under section 80C of the In-
          ket,"  Venkatesh  said.  "(January)  come  Tax  Act,  interest  under  the  The  third element  where  gains  are
          showed almost 23 lakh new SIPs being  scheme is taxable.             expected is through the new instru-
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