Page 11 - Engineering Insurance IC 77 Ebook
P. 11

Sashi Publications
                 The claim is payable only if it becomes payable in  Indemnity Period
                 section-I                                     Indemnity period represents the maximum period
                                                               during which  the insurer pay indemnification  for
                 Excess : (For Section-II)
                                                               increased cost of working.
                 With value upto Rs. 1 lac
                                                               The indemnity period should be selected in such a
                 5% of claim amount sub. to                    way that in the event of worst calamity the maximum
                 minimum of Rs. 1000/-                         time  taken  to  repair  the  equipment  should  not
                                                               exceed the indemnity period.
                 With value above 1 lac
                 5% of the claim amount sub. to minimum of Rs.  Time Exclusion :
                                                               Insurer are not liable for the amount of loss arising
                 For equipment other than winchester Drive
                                                               during  the  time  excess,  such  time  excess  to
                 5% of the claim amount sub. to minimum of Rs.  commence from the beginning of the interruption or
                 2500/-                                        interference with the business resulting in a claim
                                                               under the policy. Minimum time excess will be 4
                 Winchester Drive
                 25% of claim amount subject to minimum of Rs.
                 10,000/-                                      Note :

                                                               1.  Room A.C. at the rate of 2.50% can be covered
                 SECTION  III  -  INCREASED  COST  OF
                                                                   in MB policy if EL. Machine covered in above
                 WORKING :
                 If  there  is  accidental  damage  to  the  insured  2.  Disc Antenna & Xerox Machine (Photo copier)
                 computer and insured will use substitute computer  to be covered in M.B. section only.
                 system  then  increased cost  of  hiring  computer
                                                               3.  EDP System of Rs. 50 lacs and above should
                 system is insurable.
                                                                   be inspected before acceptance.
                 Additional expenditure incurred as a result of failure
                 of  the  EDP  system  necessiating  the  use  of  a  4.  Validity of existence of Maintenance contract
                 substitute external  system can also be  covered,  should be verified.
                 alongwith  basic  insurance.  This  insurance  is  a  5.  All  Electro  Medical  equipments  should  be
                 supplement to the material damage cover on EDP
                                                                   accepted after inspection irrespective of sum
                 Sum Insured :                                 6.  Coverage  against restoration  of data  under
                 Sum  insured shall be amount which the insured    section II only to be granted if back up system
                 would have to pay as additional expenditure for 12  is available.
                 months use of substitute EDP equipment of similar  7.  Short period rate as per Motor Policy.
                 performance to the EDP Equipment insured. The
                 sum insured of similar performance of the amount
                 agreed per day and per month.                     CONTRACTORS’ ALL  RISK
                 The insurer can reimburse for personal expenses
                 and costs for transportation of materials following  1. INTRODUCTION
                 upon any event giving rise to claim provided separate
                 sum have been fixed for the same.                 Contractors’  All  Risk  Policy  is  specially

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