Page 4 - Engineering Insurance IC 77 Ebook
P. 4

The Insurance Times
                 or  owner  of  the  machinery.  The  policy  can  be  department  or  in  different  departments,  the
                 taken jointly by the owner covering interests of all  matter relating to both
                 other parties.
                                                               i)  Marine/Transit Cover and
                 JURISDICTION : This applies to all Risks located
                 in India.                                     ii)  Erection All Risks Cover

                 SUBJECT  MATTER  :  All  kinds  of  Industrial
                                                               is  required  to  be  underwritten,  subject  to  these
                 Machines/Raw  Materials  used  for  production
                                                               General Regulations.
                 INSURED  PARTY  :  The  insured  party  can  be  1.  RATE  FOR  MARINE/TRANSIT
                 manufacturer, supplier, contractor, sub-contractor  COVER :
                 or  owner  of  the  machinery.  The  policy  can  be
                                                               As per revised guideline Marine rates is now non
                 taken jointly by the owner covering interests of all
                 other parties.
                                                               The  competent  authority  would  decide  the
                 SUB-CONTRACTS FORMING PART OF                 premium  rates  depending  on  the  merit  of  each
                 A PROJECT.                                    case.
                 As  regards  Sub-contracts  forming  part  of  a
                 Project, it is clarified that irrespective of whether  N.B. : The existing Open Policy Marine Rates (if
                 the Project value has been broken into various  any)  will  not  be  applicable  to  any  of  the  risks
                 sections  and  orders/  contracts  are  placed  with  falling to be rated under this Tariff.
                 different  suppliers/contractor/sub-contractors  or
                 the  insureds  carry  out  the  work  themselves  THESE  RATES  ARE  SUBJECT  TO
                 departmentally, the insurances for all such sub-  STANDARD EXTRAS FOR
                 contracts  are  subject  to  these  General
                                                               (i)  War,  SRCC  of  Imported  Equipments  at
                                                                   prevailing scale rates

                 MARINE/TRANSIT RISKS CONNECTED                (ii) Inland SRCC for indigenous equipments
                 WITH      ERECTION         ALL      RISKS
                                                               (iii) Tariff extra for vessel classification
                                                               (iv) Fragile extra packed in cases or loose
                 Where Marine/Transit Insurance connected with
                 Erection  All  Risks  Insurance  of  any  project
                                                               (v)  Cement  extra  packed  in  Gunny  bags  or
                 (Sum Insured upto Rs. 50 crores) is placed in     packed in papers bags.
                 India  simultaneously  or  later  in  one  combined
                 policy  or  under  separate  policies,  in  one  (vi) Any other extras as per Marine Tariff.

                    Due to detariffing, companies are charging premium on case to case basis
                  depending upon experience, claim rates, market consideration. Please refer to
                                           your companies manual for rates

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