Page 25 - Insurance Times June 2021
P. 25

Parivahan. Both these apps are available in any play
             store. One can register through their mobile number.
         3. Revoking driving license will also happen digitally.

         4. Records of license being disqualified etc., will be digitally
         5. E-challans will be issued on the portal.

         6. Drivers can only use mobile phones for route navigation
             while driving.

         These changes, to be effective from October 1, 2020 were
         brought in by the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2019.

                                                                                    The high penalty is contributing
                                                                                    to the increasing sale of motor
                                                                                    insurance at a time when the
                                                                                    automobile industry is struggling.
                                                                                    August to September, the sale of
                                                                                    motor insurance saw a significant
         No slump in motor insurance business:                rise because there's a high penalty now.
         Motor insurance is the largest business portfolio for general
         insurers. The Regulator released business figures which  The penalty is actually higher than the cost of insuring a two
         indicate a substantial growth in the premium income  wheeler so this has brought a large number of uninsured
         underwritten by general insurance companies in September.  vehicles within the insurance net. Own damage and third-
         Premium income rose to Rs.20,145.46 crores in September  party insurance, both have seen equal boost. Insurers
         from Rs.14,463.60 during the same time last year. Overall,  haven't taken a hit due to drop in automobile sale only
         general insurers witnessed a growth of 16.84% compared  because older vehicles have now come under the ambit of
         to last year. Major chunk of general insurers' revenue is  mandatory insurance. This could be a one-time high because
         drawn from the sale of motor insurance policies.     motor insurance is bought for three and five years so the
                                                              premium numbers may not continue to remain this strong
         However, passenger vehicle sale continued to disappoint  a year from now.
         with a plunge by almost 24% in September. General
         companies seem to
         be enjoying the
         spike in the sale of
         motor insurance
         policies. After the
         amendments to the
         Motor Vehicles Act,
         not having a third-
         party      motor
         insurance attracts
         a fine of Rs.2,000
         for the first offence
         and a fine of
         Rs.4,000 for the
         second offence.

                                                                           The Insurance Times, June 2021 25
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