Page 27 - Insurance Times April 2024
P. 27

from  the  date  of  launch  of  Bima  Vistaar.  It  is  a  50,000 gram panchayats and 50 per cent lives subject to a
         comprehensive Insurance product which will be issued in due  minimum of 75,000 gram panchayats in a year.
         course,” the regulator said in a notification. It will be one
         policy under which life, health and property insurance cover  Bima Sugam: A UPI moment:
         will be extended to the customer at one go at an affordable
                                                              IRDAI and it's Chairman in particular are quite hopeful about
         price. The policy will be in simple format, easy to understand  the possibilities of Bima Sugam, a ONDC (Open Network for
         by the common people.
                                                              Digital Commerce) like platform which will serve as digital
                                                              public infrastructure for products, insurance companies and
         The main objective of Bima Vahak is to establish women
         centric dedicated distribution channel that is focused on  distributors. Policyholders can port their policies from one
         enhancing insurance inclusion and creating awareness in  insurance co to another through this platform which will
         every  village/gram  panchayat,  and  thus,  improving  allot Insurance Account Number to them. Customers can
         accessibility and availability of insurance in every nook and  purchase policy on this platform or submit their policy
         corner of the country.                               claims. Agents are a little bit apprehensive about the
                                                              platform, so also some insurance companies regarding sale
         It aims at identifying and developing resources locally who  of products and portability. It is worthwhile to mention that
         understand and appreciate local needs and enjoy the trust  IRDA has replaced 34 regulations with Six regulations. Two
         and confidence of the local population of their village/gram  standalone health insurance Cos like Galaxy Health and
         panchayat.                                           Narayana Health have been approved. Two old regulations
                                                              like minimum business duties in Rural and Social Sectors and
         According to Bima Vahak norms, every insurer should
                                                              Motor  Third Parties  have  been  combined  and  a  new
         engage individual Bima Vahaks and/or Corporate Bima to
                                                              benchmark for measuring it's performance has been set.
         progressively achieve coverage of every gram panchayat.
                                                              Bima  Vistar  and  Bima  Vahak,  the  other  two  new
                                                              interventions will unfold gradually. Hope all these measures
         The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
                                                              at the level of the Regulator integrating all stakeholders will
         (IRDAI) has proposed raising mandatory coverage under
         Rural, Social Sector and Motor Third Party Obligations' norms  definitely yield the desired progress and results in the
         in an effort to achieve the objective of "insurance for all".  landscape of Indian Insurance Industry.

         In the exposure draft of Rural, Social Sector and Motor Third       About the Author:
         Party Obligations Regulations, 2024, the IRDAI said that a  Arup Dasgupta Is a veteran of insurance industry for last
         new strategy and fresh approach have been devised to  33  years.  He  was  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  LIC
         boost insurance penetration in the country.           Bangladesh. He was also Regional Manager of Eastern
                                                               India both for marketing and Housing Finance of LIC. He
         The minimum number of lives to be covered by all life
                                                               is fellow member of Insurance Institute of India and
         insurers, in all gram panchayats and India will be 30 per cent  Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of In-
         in each gram panchayat subject to a minimum of 25,000  dia. He is MBA in Consultancy Management from BITS
         gram panchayats as driven by the lead insurer in the first  Pilani. He has several project reports to his credit.
         year. This increases to 40 per cent lives subject to a minimum

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