Page 7 - Insurance Times April 2024
P. 7
male Cancer treatments, coverage for
Safety first in global aviation sector disorders related to Puberty and Meno-
Aviation safety had a good year in 2023, recording "best-ever" results on pause, and an emphasis on Outpatient
several parameters, according to IATA's annual safety report for global avia- Department (OPD) services for both
tion. physical and mental well-being, with a
"2023 safety performance continues to demonstrate that flying is the saf- mental illness benefit of 200 per cent.
est mode of transport. Aviation places its highest priority on safety and that The product also provides coverage for
shows in the 2023 performance. Jet operations saw no hull losses or fatali- infertility treatment and oocyte
ties. 2023 also saw the lowest fatality risk and 'al accident' rate on record. cryopreservation, stem cell storage, a
A single fatal turboprop accident with 72 fatalities, however, reminds us comprehensive wellness programme,
that we can never take safety for granted. And two high-profile accidents lumpsum benefit for newborn defects,
in the first month of 2024 show that, even if flying is among the safest ac- nursing care, senior care covering bone
tivities a person can do, there is always room to improve. This is what we strengthening injections, joint injec-
have done throughout our history. And we will continue to make flying ever tions and more. It also offers enhanced
safer," said Willie Walsh, IATA's Director General. maternity benefits with the inclusion of
antenatal cover, among others.
Pilot launched for cashless "The broad contours of the pilot
programme are -- victims entitled to Insurance rates for IPL biz
treatment of road acci- cashless treatment up to a maximum vault over polls clash
dent victims of Rs 1.5 lakh per accident per person Even as stakes have gone up in IPL with
The government is launching a pilot for a maximum period of 7 days from two more teams and record bids for
programme to provide cashless treat- date of the accident," it added. players, insurers are turning cautious
ment to road accident victims, under as the season coincides with general
which they will be entitled to cashless Future generali launches elections and the risk of cancellations
treatment up to a maximum of Rs 1.5 product for women's due to unforeseen circumstances rises.
lakh per accident, an official statement For various stakeholders - franchise
said. health care owners, sponsors, and broadcasters -
The pilot programme being initiated in General Insurer Future Generali India the quotes are coming in 30-35%
Chandigarh and developed under the ae- Insurance launched a new product higher.
gis of the Ministry of Road Transport and called 'Health PowHER' designed to "All stakeholders, starting from BCCI,
Highways (MoRTH) -- is aimed at estab- address women's healthcare needs at the franchise owners, the sponsors, and
various stages of their lives.
lishing an ecosystem for providing timely the broadcasters, are seeking insurance
medical care to the victims of road acci- The product offers a range of cover- cover. The stakes are significantly higher
dents, including during the golden hour. age, including increased limits for Fe- this year because of the addition of two
The Insurance Times April 2024 7