Page 10 - Insurance Times May 2024
P. 10


                                                                               Further, in a presentation to the regula-
              Red Sea Crisis: RBI, IRDAI asked to help restrict                tor, industry officials also explained that
                                impact on exports                              these companies invest in longer-tenure
           The finance ministry has written to the banking and insurance regulators to  government securities, and the proposed
           monitor export credit availability and insurance premium increases to help  regulations could result in insurers liqui-
           Indian exporters deal with trade disruptions in the Red Sea due to Houthi  dating these assets to pay policyholders,
           attacks on cargo ships.                                             affecting the industry's growth.
           In a letter, which was also addressed to state-run export finance institution  However, the final regulations by the
           Exim Bank, the finance ministry last month told the RBI and Insurance Regu-  regulator are mostly similar to the ex-
           latory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) to monitor and look into  isting regulations for surrender values.
           the concerns raised by exporters with the commerce ministry about these  "This status quo provides a big relief to
           disruptions potentially inflating India's export costs, officials said.  life insurers, who otherwise had the

           "After our deliberations with the commerce ministry and other stakeholders,  tough task of balancing the impact of
           including exporters, it was decided that sectoral regulators will keep a watch  increased surrender value on lapsing
           and take necessary action wherever possible," a government official said.  customers  by  tinkering  with  the
           Banks have also been briefed separately to factor in such hikes while sanc-  distributor's payout, providing benefits
           tioning fresh credit limits to exporters and other businesses, the official said.  to persistent policyholders, and main-
                                                                               taining shareholders' profitability (value
           In February, financial services secretary Vivek Joshi said the government has
           asked state=run banks and insurers to deal with trade financing and insur-  of new business margins)," analysts at
           ance with sensitivity in view of the crisis.                        Emkay Global Financial Services said.
                                                                               In the new norms, the guaranteed sur-
                                                                               render value (GSV) under the revised
          IRDAI  surrender  value           tion, the status quo was maintained  regulations for other than single pre-
                                            under the surrender value regulations.  mium products is 30 per cent if the
          norms optimistic for life         The norms will be effective on April 1,  policy is surrendered in the second year,
          insurers                          2024.                              35 per cent in the third year, 50 per
          IRDAI decision to retain the existing  In December 2023, the insurance regu-  cent between four years and seven
          surrender value norms, amid requests  lator proposed to increase the surren-  years, and 90 per cent during the last
          from  life  insurance  companies,  is  der value paid by insurance companies  two years.
          deemed positive for the companies, say  to policyholders.            For single premium products, the GSV
                                            Insurance industry leaders believed  will be 75 per cent if surrendered within
          In the final surrender value norms in-  that higher surrender values could lead  three years and 90 per cent if surren-
          cluded in the product regulations an-  to the premature exit of policyholders  dered in the last two years of the policy
          nounced by IRDAI in a gazette notifica-  from long-term insurance policies.  tenure.

         10      May 2024     The Insurance Times
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