Page 12 - Banking Finance April 2018
P. 12


         RBI slaps penalty on Indian Overseas Bank and Axis                     Bankruptcy board, RBI

         Bank                                                                   enters into pact for in-
         Reserve Bank of India said it has imposed a penalty of Rs.3 crore on Axis Bank  creased cooperation
                               for violation of non-performing asset classification
                                                                                The Insolvency and Bankruptcy
                               norms, and Rs.2 crore on Indian Overseas Bank for not
                                                                                                        Board of
                               complying with the know your customer (KYC) regula-
                               tions. RBI said it had carried out a statutory inspection                India
                               of private sector player Axis Bank with reference to its                 inked an
                               financial position as on 31 March 2016. The inspection,                  agree-
         inter alia, revealed "violations of various regulations issued by RBI in the assess-           ment
         ment of non-performing assets (NPA)",the central bank said in a statement.                     with the
                                                                                RBI for increased cooperation in ef-
         "The RBI has imposed, on February 27, 2018, a monetary penalty of Rs 30 million
                                                                                fective implementation of the insol-
         on Axis Bank Limited for non-compliance with the directions issued by RBI on In-  vency law. The pact, which provides
         come Recognition and Asset Classification (IRAC) norms," it said. Regarding the
                                                                                for sharing of information as well as
         state-owned Indian Overseas Bank, the regulator said in a separate release that  resources, among others, also comes
         a "fraud was detected" in one of the branches of the bank. "The examination of  at a time when the authorities are
         the documents, including the bank's internal inspection report, revealed, inter alia,  working on ways to address the huge
         non-compliance with the directions issued by RBI on Know Your Customer (KYC)  amount of nonperforming assets in
         norms", RBI said, while imposing the Rs2 crore penalty on IOB.
                                                                                the banking sector. An official re-
         RBI said the action on the two banks is based on deficiencies in regulatory com-  lease said the IBBI and the RBI are
         pliance and "is not intended' to pronounce upon the validity of any transaction  interested in the effective implemen-
         or agreement entered into by the bank with its customers.              tation of the Code and its allied rules
                                                                                and regulations, through a quick and
         RBI panel to reconcile NPAs to prevent frauds                          efficient resolution process.
         In order to stem the wide fluctuation between bad loans and provisions declared  RBI seeks details of all
         by banks and those assessed by the RBI, the bank-
         ing regulator has decided to constitute an Expert                      bank LoUs
         Committee to look into the reasons for this diver-                     RBI has asked banks to provide it
         gence and the steps needed to prevent frauds. The                      with details of all
         5 member Committee, headed by YH Malegam, a                            Letters of Under-
         former member of the Central Board of Directors                        taking issued by
         of RBI, will also examine the role and effectiveness of various types of audits  them in the past
         conducted in banks.                                                    several years, ac-

         The other members of the Malegam Committee will be Bharat Doshi, Member,  cording to sources. The regulator is
         Central Board of Directors, RBI; S Raman, former Chairman and Managing Di-  ramping up pressure on lenders, in-
         rector, Canara Bank and former Whole-Time Member, SEBI; and Nandkumar  creasing its scrutiny and laying down
         Saravade, Chief Executive Officer, Reserve Bank Information Technology Pvt Ltd  deadlines for them to fix gaps in their
         (ReBIT). AK Misra, Executive Director, RBI, will be the Member-Secretary.  systems, in the aftermath of the
                                                                                Punjab National Bank fraud.
         RBI Governor Urjit Patel had said that during the Annual Financial Inspections
         of banks, it had been observed that there was a divergence between the non-  The RBI wrote to all banks recently
         performing assets and provisions declared by the banks and those assessed dur-  asking for details of the LoUs they
         ing the AFI process. "This has adverse implications on timely recognition of ac-  had written, including the amounts
         tual risk, trustworthiness and transparency of books of accounts... To address  outstanding, and whether the banks
         this, disclosure requirements have been put in place: banks have to disclose...  had pre-approved credit limits or
         the details of such divergences where these exceed specified thresholds," the  kept enough cash on margin before
         Governor said.                                                         issuing the guarantees, sources said.

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