Page 58 - The Insurance Times December 2024
P. 58

The two day Bima Manthan showcased collective commit-      capital, liquidity, investment, solvency, reserv-
          ment and resolve of insurance industry towards achieving   ing and such other areas as decided by the
          the vision of Insurance for All by 2047.                   Authority from time to time from the purview
                                                                     of Regulatory Sandbox.
          Exposure draft – IRDAI (Regulatory Sand-               c. Objective of regulations to explicitly state –
                                                                     “facilitate innovation in the insurance sector
          box) Regulations, 2024
                                                                     while ensuring orderly development of the in-
          1. As part of the comprehensive review of Regula-          surance sector and protection of interests of
             tions being undertaken by the IRDAI, to enhance         the policyholders”
             the ease of doing business and also reduce com-
                                                                 d. Conditions for grant of permission to include
             pliance burden for stakeholders while also ensur-       “promotes innovation beneficial to insurance
             ing that interests of policyholders continues to be     sector in India”
             protected, the IRDAI constituted an internal com-
             mittee to review the IRDAI (Regulatory Sandbox)     e. To facilitate introduction of Inter-Regulatory
                                                                     Sandbox proposal wherein “the process and
             Regulations.  The  Committee  examined  these
                                                                     procedures in dealing with regulatory sandbox
             Regulations and after detailed deliberations rec-
             ommended the revised regulations.                       applications that cuts across more than one
                                                                     financial sector” will be permitted
          2. Based on the recommendation of the Committee,
             the IRDAI issues the following proposed amend-   6. The draft Insurance Regulatory and Development
                                                                 Authority of India (Regulatory Sandbox) (Amend-
             ments to the Regulatory Sandbox regulations and
                                                                 ment) Regulations, 2024 is annexed herewith (An-
             seeks comments from the public at large on the
                                                                 nexure-A). All the stakeholders are requested to
             proposed amendments.
                                                                 forward their comments / suggestions, if any, on
          3. The amendment to the regulations are based on       the proposed regulations in the attached format
             the following approach:                             (Annexure- B) on or before 5:00 PM on 25th No-
             a. Adoption  of  principle based approach over      vember,  2024  to  and
                 rule based approach.
             b. No hard-coding of values, numbers, etc in the
                                                                 Fintech Unicorn Cred Expands into
             c. Operational issues to be covered in the mas-             Insurance Distribution
                 ter circular.
                                                               Cred, a leading fintech platform, has forayed into in-
             d. Regulations to facilitate introduction of inno-  surance distribution with a focus on motor insurance.
                 vative ideas/ new concepts across the insur-  Leveraging its vehicle management platform, Cred
                 ance value chain                              Garage, the company offers insurance products with
          4. In light of the above, values/ numbers which were  additional discounts for users with good credit scores.
             part of the regulations such as minimum networth,  Cred Garage, launched in September last year, allows us-
             fees, eligibility criteria, application form, experi-  ers to track vehicle spends, pending challans, and re-
             ment period, extension of time period of permis-  newal dates for insurance and pollution certificates. With
             sion, allocated time, etc are proposed to be shifted  7 million registered vehicles and 4.4 million users, the
             to the master circular.                           platform has become a key tool for vehicle management.
                                                               Akshay Aedula, Head of Product and Growth at Cred,
          5. Based on the experience gained and new devel-
                                                               highlighted the company's collaboration with Zurich
             opments in the market the following are proposed
                                                               Kotak General Insurance, Go Digit General Insurance,
             as new additions to the regulations:
                                                               and ICICI Lombard. Cred, which holds a corporate
             a. Definition of “competent authority”            agency license from IRDAI, aims to expand partnerships
             b. Excluding areas involving prudential and fi-   with more insurers, offering enhanced options to its
                 nancial condition/ stability matters, such as  growing user base.

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