Page 12 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 12

The Insurance Times

         Healthcare is expensive. Technological advances, new procedures and more
             effective medicines have driven up the cost of healthcare (Medical Inflation).

         The elaborate medical treatment expenses could eat into savings meant for the
             future or even result in indebtedness.

         Health insurance is affordable and carries the assurance and freedom from insecurities
             that threaten normalcy now and then

         The cashless system of providing hospitalisation has immense value since the
             policyholders does not have to pay cash for his treatment. The insurance
             company directly pays to the hospital. Even if he gets reimbursement from the
             insurance company later it will be difficult for him to arrange finances.

       Social benefit

         Every human being is exposed to various health hazards.
         Medical emergency can strike anyone without pre-warning.(terror attacks)
         Nuclear families lack financial and physical support structure
         Loss of quality of life, career options, Income
         Mental trauma and incapacitation
         Higher levels of "good health" consciousness
         Higher confidence in service delivery

       Early development of the Indian insurance industry

        The history of insurance in India could be traced to the country's deep-rooted history
        where insurance finds mention in the writings of Manu (Manusmrithi), Yagnavalkya
        (Dharmasastra) and Kautilya (Arthasastra).

        The writings referto pooling of resources that could be re-distributed in times of calamities

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