Page 154 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 154

The Insurance Times

     In contributory schemes, the beneficiaries (employees) share the premium
     whereas in non- contributory schemes, only the employer or the affinity
     organization contributes to the premium. Normally, employee premiums are
     paid by employers to avail of corporate tax benefits, and also serves as an
     attractive feature for recruiting the people and retaining them.

     Q15. Write the key differences between Group and Individual policies.
     Ans. Some key differences between Group and Individual policies are:

           (i) Individual plans havestandard terms and conditions whereas group insurance
                  policies generally have customized terms and conditions attuned, according
                  to the nature of the group. For e.g, individual policies do not cover maternity
                  benefits, but group policies do.

           (ii) The premium for the individual policies are standard ones, whereas premium
                  charged in group policies are often discounted ones. Increasing costs of
                  medical treatment are becoming apparent to corporate consumers, and
                  they are exploring ways to reduce the costs of insurance coverage, including
                  cost sharing mechanisms like deductibles, introduction of contribution of
                  premium from employees to cover their dependent parents etc.

           (iii) Individual policies offer Cumulative bonus i.e, 5% increase in sum assured
                  for every claim free year, subject to accumulation of maximum 10 yrs. In
                  the event of a claim, the increased amount reduces by 10%. Group policies
                  do not offer this bonus.

           (iv) In individual policies, the insured are entitled to reimbursement of medical
                  checkup ( including Cumulative Bonus ) , once every 4 no-claim years. The
                  amount reimbursed shall not exceed 1% of the average sum insured during
                  these block of 4 years.

           (v) Individual policies are not subject to Bonus/Malus, whereas Group policies

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