Page 186 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 186

The Insurance Times

               settlements, turnaround time, impact of prior-authorization etc, as also to
               improve the business intelligence of their processing systems which can help
               automatically alert outliers.
        (i) For other stakeholders - Providers, brokers, consulting firms, industry bodies
               (FII, CII) and international bodies (WHO, World Bank) also uses the data for
               different purposes.

        Q2. Which are the data tables to be submitted to IRDA?
        Ans. IRDA requires insurers/TPAs to capture and report data in a specified format to

               ascertain that the data is collected and reported in a standardized format across
               all insurers. Following are the tables in which data is to be submitted :
        (a) Policy Data ( Table A) - The policy level information is contained in this table. It
               holds details such as total number ofpeople covered under apolicy, policy premium,
               start date and end date of policy.
        (b) Member Data (Table B) - This table contains information about the individual
               members covered under the policy. The details include the age or date of birth of
               member, sum insured, gender and relationship with the insured.
        (c) Claims Data (Table C) - Information on claims made by the covered members
               is contained in this table. The details include the date of admission and discharge,
               diagnosis description and code, name of the hospital, amount paid as well as
               claimed and date of payment.

        Q3. Write a note on data ware housing. What are the qualities of a good data
               ware housing system ?

        Ans. A data ware house is a repository of an organization's electronically stored data,
               designed to facilitate reporting and analysis. The means to retrieve and analyze
               data, to extract, transform and load data , and to manage the data dictionary are

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