Page 231 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 231

Sashi Publications

Questions and Answers

Q1. How consumer protection or policy holder protection can be achieved in
      health insurance ?

Ans. Effective policy holder protection is one of the most important components of a
      sound and competitive insurance market, without which the prospects and policy
      holders could be exposed to unfair practices by insurers.

      Thecrux oftheproblem from theconsumerprotectionpoint ofviewistheinformation
      asymmetry and the imbalance of the power, information and resources between
      policyholders and insurers. So prospects and policyholders find themselves
      vulnerable due to lack of awareness of policy conditions.

      Consumer protection or policyholder's protection can be achieved if certain
      basic parameters are followed :
      (a) Transparency/Clarity - The policy sale is the beginning of an insurance

             contract. Initial clarity is very important to avoid dissonance later, at the time
             of claims. Customers need to have transparency of information at every
             stage of the policy lifecycle. All the contact points like website, emails, letters,
             branches or call centre should be information driven, clearly informing the
             customer what he or she needs to know.
      (b) Customer Centric Service - Customer centric services revolve around
             delivery of the promise undertaken by the insurance companies as their
             commitment towards quality service. Service processes must be designed
             from thepoint of view of thecustomer. Insurance being amatter of solicitation,
             is not just restricted to presales service, but extends to the post-sales service
             and renewal as well.

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