Page 20 - Banking Finance March 2021
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         lockers without the customers'     Finding that there were no uniform  judgment is passed along with the
         knowledge or consent, it said.     rules governing lockers, the bench laid  operative order. We would like to
         The apex court said that a customer is  down 15-point guidelines. The SC said  observe that in all matters where
         completely at the mercy of the bank,  these guidelines would remain in force  reasons are yet to be delivered, it must
         which is the more resourceful party,  till the RBI framed new rules for locker  be ensured that the same are made
         for the protection of their assets.  operations in six months.        available to the litigating parties
                                                                               positively within a period of two
         Supreme Court asks UBI to Supreme Court slams                         months," it said.

         pay Rs. 6 lakh for breaking NCDRC for delaying                        Complaints against banks,
         open locker                        reasoned orders                    mobile banking to RBI

         The Supreme Court ruled that breaking  The Supreme Court has taken    increase
         open a customer's locker by a bank was  exception to the practice of National  The Reserve Bank of India released the
         a serious breach of trust and ordered  Consumer Disputes Redressal
                                                                               annual report of its Ombudsman
         United Bank of India to pay Rs.6 lakh  Commission to pass brief orders
         compensation to an aggrieved person  without giving reasoning and then  Scheme. For the first time, the central
                                                                               bank is merging all its ombudsman
         whose locker was broken open at a  taking months to deliver a reasoned
         Kolkata branch more than 25 years  order.                             offices that used to separately cater to
                                                                               banking, non-bank, and online
                                            A bench headed by Justice Indu     payments complaints into one unified
         The bank informed Amitabha         Malhotra said delay in delivery of  scheme. The report covers the period
         Dasgupta in 1995 that the locker had  judgments amounts to violation of  between July 1, 2019, and June 30,
         been broken open and allotted to   rights of the litigants and the problem  2020.
         another person as the rent was not  gets aggravated when the operative
         paid for 1993-94. When Dasgupta    portion is made available early and the  There was an increase of 64.97 per
         proved that he had paid rent for the  reasons follow much later, or are not  cent in the receipt of complaints under
         previous year, the bank admitted its  made available for an indefinite period  the three ombudsman schemes, from
         mistake. When the customer wanted  as done in various cases in NCDRC.  200,362 in 2018-19 to 330,543 in 2019-
         back the seven pieces of jewellery                                    20. Of these, 86.19 per cent were
                                            "Undisputedly, the rights of the   received electronically and via email.
         deposited in the locker, the bank could
         return only two.                   aggrieved parties are being prejudiced  Disposal rate of more than 92 per cent
                                            if the reasons are not available to them  was achieved, according to the RBI.
         The district consumer forum awarded
                                            to avail of the legal remedy of    The report said 72.27 per cent of the
         Rs.3 lakh as cost of jewellery to
                                            approaching the court where the    maintainable complaints were
         Dasgupta and an additional Rs.50,000
                                            reasons can be scrutinised. It indeed  resolved through mediation and
         for mental agony, harassment and cost
                                            amounts to defeating the rights of the  conciliation. The major grounds of
         of litigation. But the state consumer
                                            party aggrieved to challenge the   complaints were ATM/debit card
         forum as well as the National      impugned judgment on merits and
         Consumer Disputes Redressal                                           related, on mobile/electronic banking,
                                            even the succeeding party is unable to  and non-observance of fair practices
         Commission awarded only Rs.30,000
                                            obtain the fruits of success of the  code.
         compensation. Dasgupta appealed in
         the SC. A bench of Justices M M    litigation," the bench said.       The north zone complained the most,
         Shantanagoudar and Vineet Saran    "Let this order be placed before the  with 42.63 per cent of total received
         ordered the bank to pay Rs.6 lakh,  President of the National Consumer  coming from there. Most of the
         which included Rs.1 lakh as litigation  Disputes Redressal Commission to look  complaints  originated  from
         cost, to Dasgupta and ordered that  into the matter, and take necessary  metropolitan areas, accounting for
         Rs.5 lakh be recovered from erring  steps so that this practice is    nearly half of in 2019-20, according to
         officials.                         discontinued, and the reasoned     the RBI's report. T

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