Page 58 - Banking Finance January 2025
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             latory Policies dated October 9, 2024, proposing the  dated August 27, 2021 on Prepaid Payment Instru-
             introduction of beneficiary account name look-up facil-  ments (MD-PPIs) (see Annex).
             ity  for Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) System and  3. This circular is issued under Section 18 read with Sec-
             National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) System.   tion 10(2) of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act,
          2. Currently, the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) and Im-  2007 (Act 51 of 2007).
             mediate Payments Service (IMPS) systems enable a
             remitter to verify the name of the beneficiary before  Credit Flow to Agriculture – Collateral
             initiating transfer. It has been decided to put in place
             a similar facility that would enable a remitter to verify  free agricultural loans
             the beneficiary bank account name before initiating a                            December 06, 2024
             transaction using RTGS or NEFT system. Accordingly,
             National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has been  1. Please refer to our circular FIDD.CO.FSD.BC.No.13/
             advised to develop the facility and onboard all banks.  05.05.010/2018-19 dated February 7, 2019 on the
                                                                 above subject.
          3. Banks which are participants of RTGS and NEFT Sys-
             tems, shall make this facility available to their custom-  2. Keeping in view the overall inflation and rise in agricul-
             ers through Internet banking and Mobile banking. The  ture input cost over the years, it has been decided to
             facility shall also be available to remitters visiting  raise the limit for collateral free agricultural loans in-
             branches for making transactions. Detailed require-  cluding loans for allied activities from the existing level
             ments for the same are provided in the Annex.       of ?1.6 lakh to ?2 lakh per borrower. Accordingly, banks
                                                                 are advised to waive collateral security and margin
          4. All banks who are direct members or sub members of  requirements for agricultural loans including loans for
             RTGS and NEFT are advised to offer this facility no later
                                                                 allied activities upto ?2 lakh per borrower.
             than April 1, 2025.
                                                              3. The banks are advised to give effect to the revised in-
          5. This directive is issued under Section 10 (2) read with
                                                                 structions expeditiously and in any case not later than
             Section 18 of Payment and Settlement Systems Act,   January 1, 2025. The banks are also advised to give
             2007 (Act 51 of 2007).
                                                                 adequate publicity to the above changes.
          Unified Payments Interface (UPI) access             Maintenance of Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
          for Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs)                                              December 06, 2024

          through third-party applications
                                                              1. Please  refer  to  our  circular  DOR.RET.REC.33/
                                          December 27, 2024      12.01.001/2022-23 dated May 04, 2022 and relative
                                                                 notification on the captioned subject.
          1. Currently, UPI payments from / to a bank account can  2. As announced in the Statement on Developmental and
             be carried out using the UPI application of that bank  Regulatory Policies dated December 06, 2024, it has
             or of any third-party application provider. However, UPI  been decided to reduce the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
             payments from / to a PPI can only be carried out using  of all banks by 50 basis points in two equal tranches of
             the mobile application provided by the PPI issuer.  25 basis points each to 4.0 per cent of net demand and
          2. As announced in the Statement on Development and    time liabilities (NDTL). Accordingly, banks are required
             Regulatory Policies dated April 05, 2024, it has been  to maintain the CRR at 4.25 per cent of their NDTL
             decided to enable UPI payments from / to full-KYC PPIs  effective from the reporting fortnight beginning De-
             through third-party UPI applications. This will enable  cember 14, 2024 and 4.00 per cent of their NDTL ef-
             PPI holders to make / receive UPI payments through  fective from fortnight beginning December 28, 2024.
             the mobile application of third-party UPI applications.  3. A copy of the relative notification DoR.RET.REC.53/
             The relevant provisions have been amended in Master  12.01.001/2024-25 dated December 06, 2024 is en-
             Directions CO.DPSS.POLC.No.S-479/02.14.006/2021-22  closed.

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