Page 5 - Banking Finance February 2023
P. 5




          IDFC  First  Bank  Q3  net        (CASA) deposits grew 39% y-o-y to Rs  proval from the Reserve Bank of India
                                            66,498 crore as on December 31.    (RBI) for Chawla's appointment.
          doubles to Rs 605 crore
                                            CASA ratio fell to 50% as on December  Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma,
          IDFC First Bank's net profit rose 115%
                                            31 from 51.6% a year ago. Retail de-  who is the chairman of the payments
          year-on-year in October-December
                                            posits constitutes 77% of total cus-  bank, owns  51%  stake in  the entity,
          due to a growth in its net interest in-
                                            tomer deposits as of December 31.  while the listed company One 97 Com-
                                            Legacy High Cost Borrowings fell to Rs  munications Ltd holds the remaining
          The bank posted a bottom-line of Rs  18,762 crore as on December 31 from  49% stake.
          605 crore in  the December quarter,  Rs 26,163 crore a year ago.
                                                                               "I am pleased to welcome Surinder to
          up nearly 9% on quarter. The bank's
                                            The bank's gross non-performing asset  Paytm Payments Bank to drive our
          net interest income grew 27% year-on-
                                            ratio fell to 2.96% as on December 31  unwavering commitment to deepening
          year to Rs 3,285 crore in October-De-
                                            from 3.96% a year ago. Net non-per-  financial inclusion and offering an ex-
          cember. The net interest income was
                                            forming asset ratio fell to 1.03% as on  ceptional mobile-first banking experi-
          aided by a growth in the bank' funded  December 31 from 1.74% a year ago.  ence in India," Sharma said. "His rich
          assets.                                                              experience in banking and deep under-
          The funded assets, which includes ad-                                standing of the Indian financial land-
                                            Paytm Payments Bank ap-
                                                                               scape will bring the necessary exper-
          vances and credit substitutes, rose 25%
                                            points MD and CEO                  tise to further empower Paytm Pay-
          year-on-year to Rs  1.5 trillion as on
          December 31.                      Paytm Payments Bank has appointed  ments Bank's mission."
                                            Surinder Chawla as managing director
          The bank continues to wind down in-
                                            and CEO, Paytm's parent entity One 97 Lakshmi Vilas Bank inte-
          frastructure financing, as per stated
                                            Communications said in a regulatory
          strategy. It reduced its infrastructure                              grations is complete; DBS
          financing book by 31% year-on-year.
                                                                               now looks to grow
                                            He replaces Deependra Singh Rathore,
          The book now constitutes only 3.7% of
                                            who was made interim CEO after Satish  Two years after the amalgamation of
          total funded assets, the bank said in a
                                            Kumar Gupta retired in October 2022.  DBS with Lakshmi Vilas Bank (LVB), the
          press release.
                                                                               Singapore bank is all set to grow its
                                            Chawla joins from RBL Bank, where -
          Also, exposure to top 20 single borrow-                              balance sheet from 2023. With the in-
                                            as head of branch banking - he had fo-
          ers reduced to 7% as on December 31                                  tegration of all platforms, systems,
                                            cused on expanding its current account,
          from 11% a year ago. Customer depos-                                 and people from both banks now com-
                                            savings account (CASA) base, fee rev-
          its  rose 44% year-on-year to  Rs 1.2                                plete, the bank believes it would now
                                            enue and cross-selling across channels.
          trillion as on December 31. Specifi-                                 be able to leverage its growth from
          cally, Current account savings account  The payments bank has received ap-  530 branches spread across 350 cities.
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