Page 58 - The Insurance Times October 2024
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By implementing these measures, IRDAI continues to pri-  2.1. Section 1: It contains summary of important and
          oritize the interests of policyholders, advance transparency  relevant information at various stages of an insur-
          and efficiency of the insurance sector.                    ance contract for the prospects / policyholders /
                                                                     customers. A prospect or policyholder to know his/
          Master Circular can be accessed at IRDAI website at
                   her rights and obligations at various stages of an
          detail?documentId=5625747.                                 insurance policy may visit this Section. Important
                                                                     and relevant information at various stages of
          This is the second of the two Master Circulars issued under
                                                                     •  Life Insurance Policies are in Part A,
          these Regulations. The first Master Circular was issued on
          19th June 2024.                                            •  Health Insurance Policies are in Part B,
                                                                     •  Retail General Insurance Policies are In Part C.
          Master Circular on Protection of Interests
                                                                     Separate Master Circulars on certain relevant and
          of Policyholders                                           important aspects of insurance business are also

                                   Date: 05th September, 2024        issued on Life Insurance Business; Health Insurance
                                                                     Business and General Insurance Business.

          1. Background                                          2.2. Section 2: It contains broad requirements to be
             Insurance sector has embarked upon the journey to       complied with by an insurer under the Regulations.
             achieve the vision of 'Insurance for All' by 2047. Vari-  3. This master circular is issued under section 34 of the
             ous regulatory reforms have been undertaken in this  Insurance Act, 1938, section 14 of the IRDA Act, 1999
             direction by taking up measures to protect interests of  and Regulation 56 of the Insurance Regulatory and
             policyholders, prioritizing ease of doing business, en-  Development Authority of India (Protection of Policy-
             couraging innovation, competition, strengthen gover-  holders' Interests, Operations and allied Matters of in-
             nance framework to foster growth and self-reliance in  surers) Regulations, 2024 and shall be reviewed every
             the insurance sector. The interests of policyholder have  year unless review or repeal is warranted earlier.
             been at the core of all the initiatives undertaken which  4. The Returns referred under this circular shall be sub-
             emphasize insurers and distribution channels to fulfill  mitted as per the provisions herein and the Master Cir-
             their obligations towards policyholders, including effec-
                                                                 cular on Submission of Returns.
             tive grievance redressal mechanisms and governance
                                                              5. All words and explanations used herein and not defined
             structures centered around policyholder welfare. Regu-
             lations on these aspects have been reviewed compre-  in this Master Circular but defined in the Insurance Act,
                                                                 1938 (4 of 1938) or Insurance Regulatory and Develop-
             hensively and the Insurance Regulatory and Develop-
                                                                 ment Authority Act, 1999 (41 of 1999) or Rules or Regu-
             ment Authority of India (Protection of Policyholders' In-
                                                                 lations made thereunder shall have the meanings re-
             terests, Operations and allied Matters of insurers) Regu-
             lations, 2024 (hereinafter called "Regulations") was  spectively assigned to them in those Acts or Rules or
             notified on 22nd March, 2024. This is second of the two
             Master Circulars issued under these Regulations. The  6. In Order to remove any doubts or difficulties that may
             first Master Circular may be accessed at https://   arise in the application or interpretation or any of the
    document-detail?documentld=5083599.   provisions of this Master Circular, the Comp~tent Au-
                                                                 thority may issue appropriate clarifications, as and when
          2. Provisions relating to Protection of Interests of Policy-
                                                                 deemed necessary.
             holders are being covered in this circular. The master
             circular contains two sections as under:         This has approval of the Competent Authority.

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