Page 47 - Insurance Times June 2024
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conditions of such insurance policies may not be favourable  find it advantageous to continue with employer-offered
         to the customer.                                     health insurance if possible, where insurers can provide
         A 70-year-old individual who may now have the opportunity  more competitive premium rates and favourable policy
         to buy health insurance for the first time, will likely  conditions," Anuj Parekh, Co-founder and CEO, Bharatsure,
         encounter stringent terms, exclusions, and possibly high  said.
         premiums. Since people in the 65-plus age group often have  Ultimately,  while  IRDAI  seeks  to  promote  access  to
         pre-existing conditions, insurers will carefully evaluate the  insurance for older age groups, its move also underscores
         profitability, sustainability, and scalability of their policies for  the importance of aligning insurer interests with customer
         this demographic.                                    needs to ensure comprehensive and equitable coverage
         "Individuals seeking health insurance post-retirement may  across all demographics, Parekh said. (Indian Express)

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         All aviation policies include some form of the war, hijacking,  often discussed as two separate markets; the hull war market
         and other perils exclusion clause - clause AVN48B - which  and the excess third-party war liability market. Combined, we
         excludes coverage for war perils. In this context of aviation  estimate that the two represent several hundred million dol-
         coverage, war perils are not limited to armed hostilities be-  lars in annual premium globally. These niche markets typically
         tween nations, but typically are broadly defined to include  are invariably subject to more volatility than the broader avia-
         many types of conflict, including strikes, terrorism, rebellion,  tion market; the hull war market in particular has been chal-
         pilot suicide, and malicious acts.                   lenged recently by potentially large loss activity.

         This exclusion applies to physical damage, or hull, coverage While Summing Up:
         and third-party liability coverage, but not to passenger liabil-  Aviation is the integral part of transportation systems
         ity. When aviation insurance buyers purchase war risk cover-  around the world and its contribution to the entire global
         age, they are generally adding back coverage for all of the  economy is evident. The aviation sector has already made
         perils excluded under the endorsement, with the exception  significant progress in cutting emissions over several de-
         of coverage for the use of nuclear/radioactive weapons.  cades. In fact, the newest aircraft in service today are over
                                                              80% more fuel efficient per seat and kilometer than the first
         There is no commercial insurance coverage available for  jets in the 1960s, this was possible due to massive invest-
         claims arising from the detonation of atomic or nuclear weap-  ments in research and development areas. But far more
         ons/perils. Typically, the write-backs are included within these  needs to be done for the industry to meet its pledge of cut-
         "all-risks" aviation policies, with separate add-on cover with  ting greenhouse gas emissions by half by 2050, compared
         the payment of extra premium, for hull war and third-party  with a baseline of 2005's levels.
         war liability. For airlines, large manufacturers, and other
         major aviation risks, war risk coverage is generally written  It must also be stressed that policymakers have been
         back via standalone hull war and excess third-party war li-  prompted to place the development of zero-emission planes
         ability policies.                                    at the heart of the industry's support packages, and manu-
                                                              facturers are working to produce new greener prototypes
         The war risk pricing and coverage available in the current  (including electric aircrafts) which could enter into service in
         market varies significantly between aviation market segments  about a decade. So in all sense, aviation insurance sector is
         and clients. That said, it is anticipated that the cost of aviation  having enormous scope, but is subject to so many changes to
         war coverage in 2024 will increase, barring unforeseen changes  be incorporated therein, in underwriting & claim settlements
         in conditions. Changes to coverage and limits are also antici-  norms & processes of the insurers, as the 'change' is always
         pated in the current market. The aviation war marketplace is  omnipresent in this Aviation Insurance.

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