Page 19 - Life Insurance Today March 2016
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has been one of the most significant developments in the Wide range of technical assistance:
global economy. Overall, the regulatory environment is
favourable and takes care that players maintain prudent The growth in insurance industry has been spurred by
underwriting standards, and reserve valuation and product innovation, vibrant distribution channels, coupled
investment practices. The primary objective for the current with targeted publicity and promotional campaigns by the
regulations is to promote stability and fair play in the insurers. Innovation has come not only in the form of
market place. benefits attached to the products, but also in the delivery
mechanism through various marketing tie-ups. All these
The promise of India's insurance market is compelling, with efforts have brought insurance closer to the customer as
all the elements needed for handsome growth. The well as made it more relevant.
country's life insurance market is a good example of the
potential a young, increasingly prosperous population Due to the growing demand for insurance, more and more
offers insurance companies that realize this opportunity insurance companies are now emerging in the Indian
and make plans to benefit from it. The Indian insurance insurance sector. With the opening up of the economy,
market has great growth potential, with life premiums several international leaders in the insurance sector are
predicted to reach US$230 billion by 2025, driven in part trying to venture into the India insurance industry. US
by a culture of saving. Agency for International Development Deloitte provided
a wide-range of technical assistance to the IRDA while
A favourable regulatory environment, increasing consumer supporting institution-building efforts of other
awareness about the benefits of insurance and higher stakeholders working within the insurance market in India.
levels of infrastructure development are expected to drive Specific activities included:
growth in the Indian non-life insurance sector during the Designed and implemented trainings for the regulator
forecast period from 2014 to 2018. The Indian non-life
insurance segment is concentrated, with the top 10 in most aspects of the regulatory cycle. Special focus
companies accounting for 77.5% of the gross written was placed on encouraging the practical application of
premium in 2014. The leading four insurers operating in principles of health insurance, health economics and
the non-life segment are government-owned, and managed health care as well as in actuarial
accounted for 49.4% of the segment's gross written methodologies used in the scientific pricing and
premium in 2014. reserving of health insurance products
The remaining six are insurance joint ventures with foreign Assisted the design and installation of an IT-based
companies. They account for 28.2% of the segment's gross "early warning system" to monitor insurer solvency
written premium. The potential for greater foreign and the association of actuaries to adopt a more broad
involvement in the Indian non-life insurance industry actuarial education curricula and apply modern
opens up the possibility of greater competition and actuarial methodologies
application of marketing techniques to build brand
awareness and therefore increase market penetration. Introduced supervisory tools and examination
manuals for on-site financial condition examination
The insurance sector has been waiting for much-needed and market conduct inspection of insurance
economic reforms. For instance, the sector is still largely companies and provided assistance in capacity-
closed to higher levels of foreign direct investment that has building activities for the associations of life insurers
been eagerly awaited by the promoters of insurance and general insurers, particularly in areas relating to
companies. Despite these challenges, the insurance self-regulation
industry is trying its best to adjust to these new market
dynamics of increasing wealth, changing demographics and Organized two internship programs in cooperation
consumer preferences. with the US National Association of Insurance
Commissioners (NAIC) to enhance IRDA staff's
knowledge and skills in insurance supervision and
take advantage of on-the-job learning in several state
insurance departments in the United States;
"The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid."
Life Insurance Today March 2016 19