Page 46 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 46


         COVER FOR



         O          ne of the major findings of the recently released  have to do their bit, and one of the productive means is to

                                                              protect their lives and assets from damages via insurance
                    All-India Debt and Investment Survey (NSS 77th
                    Round) by the National Statistical Office is the
                    pronounced inequality in the distribution of assets,
          both in rural and urban areas, as at June-end 2018. In rural  Mature economies are quite advanced in this regard. As a
          areas, the top 10 per cent of the households owned over 50  World Bank paper on climate insurance (2017) observes,
          per cent of assets, whereas the bottom 50 per cent owned  “Insurance solutions can help bolster early action in the face
          just 10 per cent.                                   of a disaster, and speed up recovery to restore livelihoods
                                                              and rebuild critical infrastructure so that people,
          In urban areas, the inequality was more visible than that in  communities and economies can rebound.”
          rural areas with the top 10 per cent owning 56 per cent of
          assets and bottom 50 per cent owning merely 6 per cent.  The World Bank, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction
          The Gini coefficient at 0.678 for urban areas exceeded that  and Recovery (GFDRR), along with partners, are developing
          for rural areas at 0.615.                           insurance solutions and providing finance to help vulnerable
                                                              countries proactively manage disaster risks through a
          Frequent natural catastrophes constitute one of the main  portfolio of financial instruments. The World Bank Group’s
          reasons for exacerbation of inequality in asset distribution in  Global Index Insurance Facility provides catastrophic risk
          India. This is evident from the median Gini value, which, for  transfer solutions and index-based insurance to small farmers,
          the coastal States, was higher than that for noncoastal States,  micro-entrepreneurs and microfinance institutions in
          implying higher inequality in assets distribution in the former  developing countries. The International Finance Corporation
          (which is relatively more susceptible to rains, floods and  is also active in this space. Accelerating this global effort,
          cyclones) than the latter, and this was true for rural as well as  Germany, the UK, the World Bank and GFDRR, over 30 NGOs
          urban areas.                                        and private sector partners have launched a new Global
                                                              Partnership called InsuResilience aimed at upscaling climate
          In short, natural calamities, sans adequate insurance  risk finance and insurance solutions in developing countries.
          protection, hit the poor harder in terms of loss of assets and
          income than the rich.                               In India, most of the insurers offer cover for natural calamities
                                                              under different policies which are meant for specific objects
          India is vulnerable to almost all types of natural catastrophes:  of insurance. By and large, the standard Policy for Fire and
          floods, tropical cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts,  Natural Perils issued under Fire Insurance cover natural
          landslides and hail. The government, private agencies  calamities and specifies their nature. There are policies derived
          (including NGOs) and global agencies help mitigate the after-  from these basic wordings such as Industrial All Risk Cover. In
          effects of natural calamities. However, during such crises, no  many other policies, natural calamities are mentioned as
          resource can be said as adequate. Therefore, households also  specific perils covered.

          46  The Insurance Times, December 2021
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