Page 52 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 52

3. Insurers may note that the revised instructions shall  not to open current accounts for customers who have availed
             come into effect from the financial year 2021-22 and  of credit facilities in the form of cash credit (CC) / overdraft
             the uploading of disclosures on website shall be on  (OD) from the banking system.
             quarterly basis from the period ending 30th September,  On a review, the central bank in December last year permit-
             2021 whereas publishing in Newspapers will be on half  ted banks to open specific accounts that are stipulated un-
             yearly basis from the period ending 30th September,  der various statutes and instructions of other regulators/
             2021. The insurers may also make the quarterly   regulatory departments, without any restrictions placed in
             disclosures in the revised formats for the period ending  terms of the August 2020 circular.
             30th June, 2021 on voluntary basis on their websites.
                                                              "Based on the requests received by the Authority, to avoid
         4. The insurers are hereby, directed under Section 14 (2)  hardships, if any, faced by the insurers in maintaining cur-
             (e) of the IRDA Act, 1999 to take necessary action to  rent accounts with banks, it is clarified that the respective
             ensure compliance with the public disclosures    insurers may maintain current accounts in an appropriate
             requirements as indicated in Annexure A, from the FY  number of banks for the purpose of premium collection,
             2021-22.                                         management expenses, policy payments, investment opera-
                                                              tions, etc., for the convenience of the policyholders and for
         S N Rajeswari
                                                              the ease of doing business," Irdai said.
         Member- F&A (In-charge)
                                                              Insurers maintain separate current accounts with banks at
         Insurers can maintain current accounts               different operational levels (Branch offices, Controlling of-
         in appropriate number of banks: Irdai                fices, Corporate office) for different purposes, including, pre-
                                                              mium collection, management expenses, policy payments,
         Insurance regulator Irdai on Wednesday said insurers can  investment operations.
         maintain current accounts in an appropriate number of banks
         for premium collection and policy payments for the conve-  Maintenance of current accounts at different operational
         nience of policyholders and ease of doing business. Insur-  levels for specific purposes helps the insurers in managing
         ance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Irdai)  funds, reconciliation of transactions and servicing claims of
         has issued the clarification in the backdrop of the RBI's circu-  policyholders efficiently, Irdai said.
         lar on "Opening of Current Accounts by Banks - Need for  The regulator also said the audit committee of the insurers
                                                              shall review annually the need for having multiple current
         In the August 2020 circular, the RBI had instructed banks  accounts and rationalisation, if any, as may be required. T

            Max Life Insurance Enhances 'Buy Now, Pay at Approval' Feature for Term Insurance

                           Purchase, Ensuring Hassle-free Digital Customer Journeys

           Strengthening its commitment towards superior customer servicing, Max Life Insurance Company Ltd. (“Max Life” /
           “Company”) has enhanced the ‘Buy Now – Pay at Approval’ feature available on term insurance purchase for cus-
           tomers. Launched last year for policies bought online, the feature allows customers to apply for a policy through a
           digital payment method. This helps ensure that the premium amount is not deducted until the proposal evaluation
           by the insurer. While the feature was only available on credit card payments last year, with the increase in digital
           transactions and diversification of payment options, the facility now applies to transactions made through Credit
           Cards, Debit Cards, and UPI platforms.
           Manu Lavanya, Director and Chief Operations Officer, Max Life said, “At Max Life, we are committed to creating
           robust customer journeys in the digital value chain. The 'Buy Now – Pay at Approval' feature attempts to simplify
           policy buying through a digital payment instrument while avoiding the risk of money being withheld in the event of
           a delay in policy issuance.”
           “By extending the facility to wider modes of online transactions, we look forward to delivering hassle-free customer
           experience and mitigating any negative impact likely to occur due to cancellations/underwriting concerns. Since the
           introduction of this feature last year, we have seen an uplift in customer experience, with a reduction in grievance
           and refund-related issues, that we aim to continue with the newer augmentations,” he added.

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