Page 51 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
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              IRDAI Circular

          Appointment or Continuation of Common                      ii. There should be no conflict of interest or preju-
                                                                         dice against the interest of the policyholders as
          Director(s) u/s 48A of Insurance Act, 1938
                                                                         a result of such appointment.
                                                                     iii. Insurer shall not pay any remuneration to non-
                                   Date: 02nd September, 2022            executive directors without prior approval of
                                                                         the Authority. However, insurers are permitted
          1.  The second proviso of section 48A of the Insurance Act,    to pay sitting fees, as per applicable norms.
             1938 provides that “the Authority may permit an agent
                                                                     iv. The disclosure requirement as laid down under
             or intermediary or insurance intermediary to be on the
                                                                         the Corporate Governance Guidelines for Insur-
             Board of an insurance company subject to such condi-
                                                                         ers in India, IRDA (Preparation  of Financial
             tions or restrictions as it may impose to protect the
                                                                         Statement and Auditor’s Report of Insurance
             interest of policyholders or to avoid conflict of interest.”
                                                                         Companies) Regulations, 2002 and any other
          2.  Applications are filed with the Authority seeking ap-      extant applicable laws shall be complied with.
             proval under section 48A of the Insurance Act, 1938,
                                                                     v.  A resolution is passed approving such appoint-
             for new appointment or continuation of common
                                                                         ment by the Board of insurance company/
             director(s) representing insurance agent, intermediary
                                                                         agent/intermediary/insurance intermediary.
             or insurance intermediary on the board of insurance
                                                                     vi. The common director shall recuse himself/her-
                                                                         self from the discussion and voting on any mat-
          3.  The Authority, in exercise of powers conferred under
                                                                         ter/discussion pertaining to:
             section 14(1) of the IRDA Act, 1999 hereby provides the
                                                                         1.  Any area having potential conflict of in-
             following framework for appointment of common direc-
             tor under section 48A of the Insurance Act, 1938:
             a.  The appointment or continuation of common direc-        2.  Insurer/Agent/Intermediary/Insurance in-
                 tor representing insurance agent, intermediary or           termediary where she/he is holding com-
                 insurance intermediary on the board of insurance            mon directorship.
                 company shall be deemed to have been permitted,
                                                                     vii. The number of directorships held by the com-
                 unless otherwise provided for in this Circular, sub-
                                                                         mon director shall not exceed, at any point of
                 ject to following conditions:
                                                                         time, the maximum number of directorships
                 i.  The proposed director shall not be working in
                                                                         specified under the extant law including the
                    the capacity of the Chief Insurance Executive /
                                                                         Companies Act, 2013.
                    Specified Person or any other officer respon-
                                                                     viii. The Insurer/Agent/Intermediary/Insurance in-
                    sible for soliciting insurance business for or on
                                                                         termediary shall comply with all other appli-
                    behalf of the insurance agent, intermediary or
                                                                         cable laws.
                    insurance intermediary while holding the posi-
                    tion of director in the insurance company.   b.  An individual, already acting or proposed to act as
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