Page 7 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
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was announced at Meta Fuel for India  business expansion, increasing brand  uses creatives specially crafted for
          2020. Today, it has made larger num-  visibility in the insurance space, to in-  Hindi-speaking audiences in the north
          ber of products available that custom-  crease its capital base, and to improve  markets starring Aamir Khan and Alia
          ers can directly buy through a hassle-  the solvency margin and solvency ra-  Bhatt, while for the south markets of
          free interface and from anywhere,  tio.                              Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra
          with end-to-end policy purchase on the                               Pradesh, and Telangana, the campaign
                                            ICICI Securities, Morgan Stanley, Edel-
          platform itself.                                                     features Dulquer Salmaan.
                                            weiss, Axis Capital,  HDFC Bank, and
          The user-friendly process - The process  IIFL  Securities  are  the  lead
          can be started by initiating a chat with  bookrunners for the IPO.   Muted  12%  premium
          SBI General's verified business account  Some reports pegged the total size of  growth for Indian non-life
          on WhatsApp, that will further prompt
                                            the IPO at INR 5,000 Cr.
                                                                               sector: Kotak Securities
          the product options available for pur-
                                            Go  Digit, which  is  also backed  by
          chase.  Customers  can  explore  the                                 The month of August saw the Indian
                                            prominent names like Virat Kohli and
          product features and get their policy                                non-life insurance sector  logging a
                                            Anushka Sharma, was planning for its
          document right within the WhatsApp                                   muted 12 per cent premium growth,
                                            IPO later this year or early 2023.
          chat thread. Riding on the success of                                Kotak Securities said in a report.
                                            Founded in 2017 by Kamesh Goyal, Go
          UPI integration on WhatsApp, this is
                                                                               According to the report, the sector's
                                            Digit offers insurance policies across
          another landmark move, that will not
                                                                               growth was the lowest in the last five
                                            verticals such as health, property, mo-
          just drive insurance penetration in the                              months.
                                            tor vehicle, travel, and more. It claims
          country but will also  help in further
                                            to have served over 25 million custom-  "While motor (vehicle insurance) was
          expanding financial inclusion in India.
                                            ers as of March 31, 2022.          muted at 12 per cent, retail health was
                                                                               higher at 19 per cent yoy (year-on-
          SEBI Puts Sequoia-Backed
                                            PhonePe launches a new             year). With a single-digit base ahead,
          Go  Digit  General  Insur-                                           we expect the motor business to pick
                                            brand campaign on motor
                                                                               up (20 per cent year to date- YTD).
          ance's IPO In 'Abeyance'
                                            insurance renewals                 Retail health, up 14 per cent YTD, is
          SEBI has kept insurtech startup Go
                                            PhonePe, India's leading digital pay-  also catching up," the report notes.
          Digit General Insurance's proposed ini-
                                            ments platform today announced the  Among the listed players, Star Health
          tial public offering (IPO) in 'abeyance'.
                                            launch of its integrated  multimedia
                                                                               reported 25 per cent growth in retail
          In its document on 'processing status  brand campaign focused on tension-
                                                                               health (22 per cent YTD), but ICICI
          of draft offer documents', the markets  free motor insurance renewals. This
                                                                               Lombard was up just two per cent in
          regulator said, "Issuance of observa-  pan-India campaign will be launched in
                                                                               the competitive motor segment, losing
          tions kept in abeyance." However,  it  a  phase-wise manner with  eight ad
                                                                               share to Digit, HDFC Ergo, and Tata
          didn't give any other clarification or  films in total.
                                            It highlights real, everyday problems
                                                                               Motor insurance premiums were up 12
          In SEBI parlance, issuance of observa-  that consumers face with sales pitches
                                                                               per cent in the month of August with
          tions implies its go-ahead for an IPO.  that have now become an unpleasant
                                                                               similar growth in motor own damage
          The  Fairfax  and  Sequoia-backed  purchase experience. The campaign
                                                                               and motor third party sections, after
          startup filed  its draft IPO papers on  drives awareness around the benefits
                                                                               delivering 16-42 per cent growth in the
          August 17.                        of renewing motor insurance tension-
                                                                               first three months of FY2023.
                                            free on PhonePe.
          As per the draft papers of Go Digit
                                                                               "With a low base (low-single digits in
          IPO, the proposed offering includes a  Focused on category creation and driv-
                                                                               the next seven months), we expect yoy
          fresh issue worth INR 1,250 Cr and an  ing consideration for motor insurance
                                                                               growth rate to pick up from hereon,"
          offer for sale (OFS) of 10.94 Cr equity  renewals on  the PhonePe platform,
                                                                               Kotak Securities said.
          shares from existing shareholders. The  this campaign inspires consumers to
          digital insurance provider plans to use  question the way bike and car insur-  According to the report, retail health
          the net proceeds from the offering for  ance is  traditionally sold to them. It  insurance industry reported 19 per
                                                                        The Insurance Times, October 2022    7
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