Page 5 - Banking Finance April 2023
P. 5




          Safety tips to avoid new-         attributed  the decline in  gross Non-  employees, loan for plot purchase and
                                            Performing Assets (NPAs) to the post-  construction, home improvement loan,
          age cyber fraud
                                            Covid economic recovery and higher  loan against residential commercial
          A leading private sector bank helped  credit growth.                 property, balance transfer and top up,
          the Alipore police station in Kolkata to                             among  others, to  customers from
                                            It said the biggest improvement would
          organise an awareness programme on                                   lower and middle-income groups.
                                            be  in  the corporate  loan segment,
          bank and cyber fraud at the Indian
                                            where gross NPAs are seen falling be-  "Home loan penetration in India is rela-
          Management Institute.
                                            low two per cent in the next fiscal from  tively lower as compared to the most
          SIM-swap and UPI transaction-related
                                            a peak of  about 16  per cent  as on  developed  economies of the world.
          frauds  are fast  replacing all other
                                            March 31, 2018.                    This offers an opportunity for lenders
          forms  of  modus  operandi  being
                                            "This follows significant clean-up of  to bridge this gap with their product
          adopted by cyber crooks, warned ex-                                  offerings. We  are happy to partner
                                            books by banks in recent years, as well
          perts at the event.                                                  with Aadhar Housing Finance, to bring
                                            as strengthened risk management and
          Arup Kumar Banerjee, OC Alipore and                                  forth a slew of affordable home finance
                                            underwriting, which has led to higher
          bank representatives shared real-life                                solutions that will largely benefit indi-
                                            preference for borrowers with better
          experiences in probing "new-age digi-                                viduals from lower-and middle-income
                                            credit profiles. The steady improve-
          tal frauds." Police officers  and bank                               groups by helping them fulfill their
                                            ment  in  corporate  asset  quality is
          officials highlighted basic do's and                                 dream of building their own  home.
                                            clearly manifested in key indicators
          don'ts to tackle changing techniques                                 Given our vast network of banking re-
                                            such as the credit quality of bank ex-
          adopted by cyber fraudsters. "The idea                               lationships, we aim to cater to the fi-
                                            posures," Assocham Secretary General
          behind the event was to reach out to                                 nancial requirements  of customers
                                            Deepak Sood said.
          students and mentors and make them
                                                                               across a wide socio-economic spec-
          aware of new-age frauds," a senior
                                                                               trum, in line with the Government's
          bank official said.               YES  Bank  ties  up  with
                                                                               vision of encouraging inclusive growth
                                            Aadhar Housing Finance             within the country," Lavesh Sardana,
          Banks' gross NPAs may hit         Yes Bank said it has partnered with  country head - retail assets, Yes Bank
          10-year low                       Aadhar Housing Finance Ltd  to  offer  said.
                                            home loans at competitive interest
          Bad  loans of  Indian  banks  are  ex-
                                            rates to customers from lower and  IBA  considering  5-day
          pected to decline 90 basis points to
                                            middle-income groups.              work week for bank staff
          less than five per cent in FY23 and hit
          a decadal low of sub-four per cent by  With this partnership, both entities aim  The Indian Banks Association (IBA) is
          March  31, 2024,  said an  Assocham-  to provide, convenient home finance  considering bank unions' demand for a
          Crisil Rating study unveiled. The study  solutions such as home loan for salaried  five-day work week but for which the
            BANKING FINANCE |                                                                  APRIL | 2023 | 5
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