Page 16 - Insurance Times April 2020
P. 16

Private Life Insurance


         Star Union Dai-ichi Insur-         brings in numbers and off late, inter-  Bharti AXA Life Insurance
         ance launches insurance            esting content backed by all  round  bags Finnoviti Award 2020
                                            media integration has helped us stand
         awareness campaign                 out and create a niche as an off-beat  for digital solution eASE

         Star Union Dai-ichi insurance has re-  communications agency,” he added.  Bharti AXA Life Insurance has bagged
         cently launched its insurance aware-                                  the prestigious 'Finnoviti Award 2020'
         ness campaign. The campaign high- Flipkart  partners  with            for excellence in innovation and its in-

         lighted on the message ‘roti, kapda aur  Aegon to sell life insur-    novative digital solution eASE. The digi-
         makaan ke saath #BimaHaiZaroori’.                                     tal soloution by Bharti AXA Life en-
                                            ance policies                      ables seamless onboarding process to

         “Roti, kapda, makaan aur bima is an  Flipkart and Aegon Life Insurance have  customers, distributors and all internal
         attempt to take life insurance or insur-  joined  their  hands  in  order  to  sell  stakeholders.
         ance as a matter as a category to semi  paperless life insurance policies on its
         urban, or rural India where insurance  platform.  Flipkart  customers,  aged  eASE reduces long turnaround time for
         is very poorly understood. This will  between 18 and 65 years, can buy an  a policy with just 90 seconds decision
         prove to be a great category booster  instant digital policy with a sum as-  and 30 minutes issuance. It is also de-
         in terms of awareness of life insur-  sured of upto 10 lakh.          signed to inform customers about the
         ance,” Girish Kulkarni, MD and CEO,                                   status of their proposals on a real-time
         Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance, said.  "An instant digital policy with a sum  basis.
         Bollywood celebrity Javed Jaffery has  assured of up to 10 lakh will be avail-
         been featured in the campaign.     able to consumers from March 2020,"  "We are betting big on innovation in
                                            Flipkart said.                     our growth journey and are happy to
         The     campaign     has    been                                      be recognized for distinction in innova-
         conceptualised  by  Hotstuff  media  "With this product, Flipkart and Aegon  tion, which has become a critical fac-
         group, which is being driven as a movie  Life aim to solve for these issues and  tor for us in mobilizing transformation
         in order to create a buzz. Through this  make life insurance available to cus-  across our operational spectrum. The
         campaign, Star Union Dai-ichi life in-  tomers at the click of a button in a  Finnoviti Award is a real testament to
         surance intends an awareness regard-  convenient and transparent manner,"  our fresh and advanced solution - eASE
         ing the importance.                Flipkart added.                    - that addresses the right unmet needs
                                                                               and helps customers, distributors and
         According to Arun Fernandes, CEO,  The life insurance policy includes fea-  all internal stakeholders get their jobs
         Hotstuff, “The manner in which such  tures like sums assured from Rs 1 lakh  done  better and faster,''  said  Vikas
         information is presented and the way  up to Rs 10 lakh, premiums starting  Seth,  Managing  Director and  Chief
         in which media is used to present such  from Rs 129 for Rs 1 lakh sum insured.  Executive Officer.
         stories to investors is crucial.”  Flipkart employees belonging to the
                                            age group of 18-65 years can avail the  Bajaj  Allianz  Life  intro-
         “Like all our campaigns, we focus on  policies.
         strategy  that  aids brand recall  and                                duces live chat integrated

          16  The Insurance  Times, April 2020
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