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6  Company Profile 2016                                                                                                         Company Profile 2016  7

                                                       With dedication, focus, and hard work we continue the journey to
 ABOUT THE COMPANY                                     reach our mission of growing withing the MENA region, to be an

                                                       international market leader in construction, contracting, and project

 WTCc is focused on delivering high-quality construction services across the MENA region, our   50+  management.
 headquarter is currently located in Amman, Jordan, and currently operates in both Sultanate of Oman,   implementation in both Jordan, &
                  WTCc has 50+ projects under
 and The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.   Oman

                                                                                      safety measurements in

 TCc’s knowledge includes design,                            TCc  has completed       both sites and offices. As
                                                                                      part of the future plan,
 Wconstruction, and management of                      Wprojects in many              WTCc continues to focus
 several scale developments, with a large              disciplines     and      has   on the growth with
 capability we can offer a complete turn-              the global capabilities        the market coverage
 key construction service, along with                  to deliver projects in         within a committed
 value  engineering,  feasibility  studies,  and       residential & commercial       focus on expanding
 complete project management.  With a   +51%           buildings, Luxury villas,      throughout the MENA
 dedication to being a socially responsible            Petrol stations, Sports        region  by adding  more
 company, all company processes and   A professional team is ready to serve   venues,  Infrastructure  accomplishments to its   +51%
 methods are focused on operating in a   our clients throughout our three   &  civil works, Bridges,   index and by delivering
 conscious manner.  WTCc strength and   branches       Hospitals  &  malls, retail    the       most       recent
 success are in the projects that have been            fit-outs,  & Tele-come         techniques, expertise, &            The saftey of people
 completed around the MENA region which                sites. As it built over        materials to the market.            shall be the highest
 have sparked the passion for achieving                300+ Petrol stations,          as a result of our                  law.
 excellence. Our teams are trained to work             200+ Telecome  sites,          growth  journey WTCc
 within high safety measurements, strict               and 30+ commercial             has  opened  it’s second
 budgets, and timelines.                               buildings. Also, in 2015       branch  back in  2019,              more than 80% of our
                                                       WTCc  was granted the          and now has expanded                teams are trained & well
                                                       ISO 9001,  along  with         through the Gulf by                 aware that safety should
                                                       the OHSAS 18001 as             opening it’s third branch           always be the first law to
                                                       part of its future vision
               2017  WTCc was granted the ISO                                         in KSA.                             comply for.
               9001, and OHSAS 18001 as part of        of  working within  high
               it’s commetment to deliver the best     standards      and     high
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