Page 5 - TEST_MONOGRAPH 2018_+cover_Float
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                  he development of the performance checklists and   The preparation of Chapters 1 and 8 was done by
               T practice guides described in this monograph, as   the author in his private capacity as a researcher and
               well as the compilation of the research evidence and   practitioner interested in evidence-based early child-
               the  field-test  evaluations  of  the  products,  were  sup-  hood intervention practices. The opinions expressed
               ported, in part, by funding by a subcontract to the Ore-  are solely those of the author and no endorsement by
               lena Hawks Puckett Institute from the Early Child-  or  affiliation  with  any  Institute,  University,  Center,
               hood  Technical  Assistance (ECTA) Center, Frank   program, organization, or funder should be implied or
               Porter Graham (FPG) Child Development Institute,   inferred.
               University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill. The ECTA   Special thanks to the staff of the Enola Group
               Center was funded by the U.S. Department of Edu-  Early Head Start Program (Morganton, NC), Family
               cation, Office of Special Education Programs (Grant   Child Learning Center (Tallmadge, OH), and the Ex-
               # H326P120002). The work supported by the ECTA   panding Horizons Early Intervention Program (John-
               Center is described in Chapters 2 through 7. The opin-  son City, TN) for their valuable input and suggestions
               ions expressed, however, are those of the editor and   on the performance checklists and practice guides de-
               authors and no endorsement by the U.S. Department   scribed in this monograph. Special thanks also to the
               of Education, University, FPG Institute, or ECTA   parents and other family members who participated in
               Center should be implied or inferred.            the field tests of the family practice guides.

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