Page 163 - YTC Journal 2018
P. 163

םייח תרות תבישי
      YESHIVA TORAS CHAIM                                  Inaugural Tribute Dinner
                                 The Legacy Lives On

                              With great hakoras hatov to the
               Honorees, the Menahalim, the Rebbeim

                     and the entire staff and student body of the Yeshiva
               for accepting and guiding our son, Akiva, for the past three years
                           with great warmth, wisdom and care.

                     May the Yeshiva continue to grow and flourish, and
              may all the students become big bnei Torah and baalei midos tovos
                          and be matzliach in everything they do.
                            Wishing everybody arichus yamim,
                          brius haguf v’hanefesh and parnasa tova.

                                     B’Ahava Rabba,

                            BARRY & SHIRA JACOBSON

                                       In honor of
               HaRav HaGaon Dov Kreiswirth, Shlita

                 HaRav HaGoan Zvi Twersky, Shlita

               HaRav HaGoan Rav Yosef Katz, Shlita

                        No words can express my appreciation for the
            selfless acts of chesed that you have provided for myself and my family.
                        You are gedolim of Torah, truth and chesed.
                    You have taught us to live a life of true Torah values.

                      May you continue to educate the next generation
                           in Torah, chesed and yiras Shomayim.

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