Page 26 - YTC Journal 2018
P. 26

םייח תרות תבישי
      YESHIVA TORAS CHAIM                                  Inaugural Tribute Dinner
                                 The Legacy Lives On

                        With heartfelt gratitude to Hashem Yisborach
                              vzv inzk ubghdvu ubnhheu ubhhjva

                                 With great appreciation to
                   the Rosh HaYeshiva, shlita & Rav Zvi Twersky, shlita
                      on your tireless devotion to your talmidim and staff
                     and for your vision that is both so big and broad while
                          still having tremendous attention to detail.
                     To Reb Shloime Bronner & Reb Ephraim Kutner
                 on being an extraordinary shining example of selfless devotion
                    for the good of the Yeshiva, the Rebbeim, and talmidim.
                              Two ohftkn sent to us from above!
                                  To the Twersky family
          There are no words for all the time and help you selflessly give to the Yeshiva
                 with your signature rare combination of both the highest level
                  of Torah and avoda and the highest level of professionalism.
                       Unbelievable how you were able to up your game
                               as we approached this Dinner.

              To Rav Moshe Rosenberg, shlita & Rav Alexander Gerber, shlita
                       for being loved by your talmidim and colleagues
                     and your tremendous devotion, care and involvement
                                in all aspects of the Yeshiva.
                                 To Reb Zev Feigenbaum
                    for lending us your heart, good nature and willingness
                 to do whatever it takes from the very beginnings of the Yeshiva
                   until this very day under the most challenging situations.
                                  To Reb Shloime Wolpe
         for your extraordinary talent that has helped us create a beautiful makom Torah.
                                  To Mrs. Chava Cooper
                   on your hard work, professionalism, organizational skills,
                     attention to detail and incredible devotion to the task.

                                   To Miriam Lapides
                         for your loyalty, persistence, and reliability.
                          We wish you much bracha and hatzlacha!

                                  in appreciation
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