Page 5 - YTC Journal 2018
P. 5

םייח תרות תבישי
      YESHIVA TORAS CHAIM                                  Inaugural Tribute Dinner
                                 The Legacy Lives On

                                  HAGAON RAV CHAIM

                                  KREISWIRTH k"eumz
                                  AN INTERGENERATIONAL BRIDGE

          Every day in vrag vbuna we pray that Hashem extend His mercy ohshxjv kgu ohehsmv kg
          ovhrpux ,hc ,yhkp kgu ktrah ,hc lng ,hrta hbez kgu. While we know who the first three groups
          are, the identity of the last one (ovhrpux ,hc ,yhkp – the remnant of the scholars) is a
          bit enigmatic. Who are these remnants on whose behalf we implore Hashem?
          The key to our survival as a Torah Nation is the unbroken chain of vruxn from hbhx.
          While every generation has its saints and scholars they alone do not guarantee
          true Jewish continuity. We must have people who serve as bridge figures linking
          us with our glorious past.  In every generation ktrah kkf had great men who lived
          in an earlier time and served as the remnant of scholars helping us imbibe the
          glorious spiritual heritage with its authentic Jewish esthetic and values, into our
          For our generation Rav Kreiswirth k"eumz was ovhrpux ,hc ,yhkp – the remnant of
          the scholars. He lived for ktrah kkf and served as a bridge for young and old alike
          linking them to the spiritual wealth and existential Toras Chaim of his youth and
          milieu. With his encyclopedic knowledge of Torah and his sense of responsibility
          for ktrah kkf he was a larger than life model of how one could view life and live life
          through the prism of Torah, developing pristine princely ,ushn and true ktrah ,cvt
          and ohna ,trh. He lit up the world with his ohhj ,ru, and his sxj ,cvt and by his very
          essence called on us to pursue ever-expanding horizons of Torahdik growth and

          It is this legacy that we celebrate tonight with a heartfelt vkhp, that we at Toras
          Chaim loyally convey his vision to each and every one of our beloved ohshnk,.
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