Page 4 - Nov2024Communicator
P. 4
It has been awhile that we communicated, but I had been The internet access to the portal is:
falling seriously ill with now 85 years behind me. Life is now
almost back to normal and so I can let you know about a qucosa2-922287
real positive development.
That is the University of Dresden decision to implement a Despite the fact that I wrote part VII only in German, I think
separate internet portal under their "FID move" digital library this serves a good purpose in the interest of the
with all 10 parts Association’s older members.
of my documentation in air navigation in Germany Frank Fischer
1919-1990, including thousands of source documents for
unlimited free public use. Editor’s note: Microsoft Edge and Google work well for
That includes part VII on the AACS and all its locations as translating parts of the documentation to English. Mr Fischer
previously provided by Richard “Hank” Sauer. is a member of our Association.
Frank W. Fischer, founder of the International management and offers an in-depth
Advisory Group Air Navigation Services (ANSA), insight into the history and working
documents the development of air navigation services methods of air traffic control.
in Germany and Europe in his multi-volume work. This is a historical report and
The first volume examines the development of air commentary on the development of
traffic control services from 1919 to 1945, a period in the German Air Traffic Control
which Germany made a significant contribution to Center Rhein Control, formerly
global air traffic control. The second volume describes operated by the US Air Forces in
the establishment of military air traffic control Europe and the former German Federal
centers after 1945 and their influence on modern Administration for Air Navigation Services, assisted
European air traffic control. The third volume focuses by the German air force at Birkenfeld-Nahe and
on the Rhein UAC, a central air traffic control center Frankfurt/Main in Germany.
for the upper airspace of southern Germany, which RHEIN CONTROL was and still is an upper
operated between 1957 and 1977. The fourth volume airspace air traffic control center, formerly
describes air traffic control in the former GDR in responsible for South Germany only, but now also
detail, including the Berlin Airlift and Interflug. The covering all of former East Germany (Berlin UIR).
fifth volume describes the everyday working life of an Mr Fischer is a former air traffic controller and air
air traffic controller during the Cold War. The sixth traffic control expert, who actively spent 50 years in
volume, based on Georg Maier's draft, discusses civil- the ATC profession worldwide, and first served 25
military cooperation in air traffic control in the years with the German Federal Administration for
Federal Republic of Germany from 1953 onward. The Air Navigation Services (Bundesanstalt für
seventh volume contains a translation of the book Flugsicherung) in upper airspace area control
'Highways in the Sky' and an analysis of operations, ATC
the Army Airways Communication planning and
System after 1945. This comprehensive experimentation.
documentation is aimed at interested
parties and specialists in air traffic April 21, 1953: Transfer
Rhein Control area of jurisdiction in of jurisdiction over
1959, i.e, all airspace at and above ATC operations in
20,000 feet South Germany from
HICOG CAB to the new
Federal Administration
for Air Navigation
Services of Germany;
standing l to r: Col
Worcester, 7th AACS
Wing, L.C. Moore, US
CAD of CAB for
HICOG, and M.
Schmidt, appointed
chief controller
Frankfurt ARTCC .
4 November 2024 Communicator