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            As a culture and brand we love to do it ourselves – so in terms of the community forum, a lot of our engineers are actually there, directly talking to our fans. This is where we learn from them how they’re using devices, what they want to see in the devices and software, and then implementing that.
How has the launch in the UK been so far?
Even before we launched in the UK I was talking to fans who had over 10 Xiaomi devices at home. On the day we opened the Authorised Mi store at Westfield in London, it was extraordinary. We had three international fans who had actually slept overnight outside the store. We had a fan from France, one from Germany, and I believe one was from Colombia, and they had planned to come to the UK for that weekend specifically
for the store opening. In terms of engagement on the day, the store has a capacity of about 100 people. Throughout the day we had a queue of between 300 and 400 people waiting to get in at any one time.
That’s where we’re driving word of mouth and awareness – knowing someone who is already using a Xiaomi device, and learning about the great experience that they’re having with the technology – I think that’s where the growth and the opportunity really is. We have already changed how hundreds of millions of people live around the world, and we hope to become a part of the lives of billions of people in
the future.
 110 Democratiser

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