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            We also try and innovate. During the harvest period we offer a goat as the prize in a competition we run. A goat is a prized possession for many people in rural Uganda. We make sure that the material we use and the activations that we do talk to their lives.
How hard is it for a big multinational to ‘do local’ well in your view?
It has to be part of the culture, I think. We’ve got an amazing footprint across the continent. We’ve got people that love our brands. But it really is about the culture and it is about the people. If you have people that don’t believe local matters, or you don’t have ingenuity in these kind of tough environments, you won’t get that outcome.
We’ve got probably the best brewers, that really think differently and believe they can make the same quality liquid with different ingredients and at a lower price.
Do you think the world will see more Local Heroes emerging?
Yes, I think so. With globalisation there’ll be
a counterforce, and that counterforce will be people looking for bespoke, different and unique experiences. Not everyone is looking for global. I think we will see a polarisation where there will be people that want the big global brands and there’ll be others that will want local.
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