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            application. Our media behaviour strategy is to steal fire from the gods, get rid of all the jargon, hand it to small business owners, and let them become successful.
What’s coming next for Mailchimp’s ‘Weird Ones’ approach?
We want to provide further, deeper customer experiences – those special moments that
may be helpful or entertaining. As we evolve
the product, we’ll look to become more relevant
in mobile and social channels so that we’re building on things that we know our customers really love.
We’re still repositioning from email to a fully automated marketing platform so I’ve still got lots of marketing campaigns to run. Paid media has a key role in introducing the brand to all the people we haven’t met yet, while reminding those that knew us five years ago to revisit us and see what has changed.
We’re still weird, we’re still quirky; we’re cuddly
on the inside but we have a very strong competitive spirit. It stops us from drifting into the blue and maintaining our yellow banana status. Our purpose is to empower the underdog.
Those underdogs are small businesses, not actual dogs.

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