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             To be a Real & Human challenger the pre-requisite is having bags of personality. If your brand is going to charm people into being customers, then the infrastructure for authentic expression between staff and consumers is essential.
Real & Human brands in this age are also (alongside the Disruptors) most likely to be tech savvy. This is because first-class customer service means delivering your product or service in nearly real time.
As consumers get used to accessing what they want, when they want, customer service needs to be around the clock, automated for maximum efficiency yet delivered with the personality of your most enigmatic representatives. The crucial deal with tech here is that it is utterly humanised. It feels below the surface; humble not boastful.
Doing social good is also a common hallmark of the Real & Human challenger. It highlights why they are disrupting the category in the first place – against the cynical motives of the establishment. It also serves to build trust in categories where trust has been eroded over many years.
It sets out the stall that the brand operates at a very human level. This sets the tone for communications and is often the focus of the advertising content, not just the product.

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