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             generation of needs, or lifestyle, of people: our parents, perhaps, whom of course we love and respect, but have absolutely zero desire to be
like. For these cultures adopting a Next Generation narrative as the challenger allows one to deposition the leader without overt criticism. In the interview that follows, Oatly is taking on one of the most loved products in the Western world: milk. So, as we’ll see, a key part of its challenger narrative lies in giving a name to and positioning itself as for ‘The Post Milk Generation’.
A Summary of this Narrative
Core Strategic Thought:
That was then, but this is now. New times call for new brands and services.
What is it challenging?
The relevance of the market leader (and perhaps every other existing player in the market) to the modern world, or to the current generation.
Why does its consumer respond to it?
‘New times call for new brands, and I as a person am part of the new times.’

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