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             John Schoolcraft, Creative Director
The Interview
Post Milk Oatly
John Schoolcraft is the brains behind Oatly’s brilliant creative. Alongside Chief Executive Officer and campaign co-star Toni Petersson (someone John has known personally for 19 years), he's transformed Oatly from a rather ‘uninspiring’ oat drink company, into a fearless challenger taking on the relevance of milk and dairy in the modern world. Oatly is currently on track to sell as much oat drink per month in 2019 as the company did per year in 2012 (when Toni and John started), but, more importantly, Oatly has helped thrust once obscure plant-based milk alternatives
into the mainstream.
Here John talks trenchantly about why the world doesn’t need cows to create milk anymore, why people aren’t naturally interested in what a company has to say, and what it means for
a challenger to be genuinely fearless.
Why does it matter that the world moves on to a plant-based way of living?
We’ve inherited this planet from previous generations, so it would be a pretty good idea not to be the ones to totally fuck it up beyond recognition. That’s the main thing. Do we want to give our children and our children’s children
John Schoolcraft, Oatly’s Creative Director, in London.
50 Next Generation

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