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            a planet to live on in the future? If you look at the meat and dairy industry, it represents 14.5% of all the carbon emissions on the planet. That’s the same as cars, trains, planes, boats, everything combined.
What we’re trying to do is provide people with some viable options so that they can make small changes in their lives that contribute to a bigger picture. Milk was an effective means of cheap protein for people 80 years ago, but we don’t need to use a cow as a pre-processing plant to create milk today. Why not just take the oats and make a milk out of it? If we have progressed as a civilisation, that’s what we should do.
Tell us about the rebrand and how you arrived at the idea of ‘The Post Milk Generation’ as part of positioning Oatly.
The rebrand was just about taking an honest look at Oatly. There were these wonderfully amazing products, but they were placed in relatively ugly, typical big food packaging that no one noticed. They were directed towards people who have lactose intolerance or allergy problems, or vegetarians and vegans which, five years ago, were groups on the fringe of society, as strange as that feels now.
So, what was our target group? We don’t look at target groups at all. Oat drink is for anyone who cares about what they put in their body and cares about the planet. All we did, really, was to come
up with a way to make oat drink interesting. On top
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