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            and we made t-shirts that we gave away as well.
I was on the subway in New York before we had really launched in the US and this guy had a ‘Post Milk Generation’ t-shirt on and I’m like, ‘where’d you get that?’ ‘London, Box Park’ was the reply. That’s how it should work. Like being a friend who helps out other friends with products that make their lives better. The fact that ever since we launched in
the US, we haven’t been able to produce enough oat milk is probably the best evidence that what we are doing is working.
Tell us about the ‘It’s like milk but made for humans’ campaign and the controversy that caused.
The ‘It’s like milk but made for humans’ line can
be interpreted in so many different ways, and that’s why I think it’s powerful. If you’re vegan, you might see that line as the greatest vegan statement a company has ever written, because you look at
it from a specific perspective. But in all honesty,
it was just written as a way to explain what oat milk is. Back in 2012, the concept of oat milk wasn’t that easy to grasp, so in the process of the rebrand we worked out a way to explain it as clearly and quickly as possible in one line. It’s like milk, but it is made specifically for human consumption, rather than being made for baby cows. When that line was written, it was never a case of ‘Wow, this is going
to throw the dairy industry off’. I think that the dairy industry sees us as a threat and so originally their plan was, ‘Let’s squish them’, you know, old school bully tactics. ‘Let’s sue them, they’ll get scared
and back down’. Boy, did they fuck that one up!
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