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            very relevant. Instead of a marketing department, we built a creative department inside the company, which today has grown to 25 people and goes by the name of the Oatly Department of Mind Control. It’s an incredible way to work, because we are briefing ourselves, working on all the creative ideas, executing those ideas and then we are approving our own ideas. That would probably make a lot of people uncomfortable, but for us, it means that we get to take full responsibility for what we are doing. If the work is crap, we can’t hide behind anyone else. At the same time, if we are not happy about
a direction, we can just shift course and do something else, which we do all the time. It’s a highly fluid and flexible way to work, and it allows us to get involved in the cultural thread of society, instead of answering a stupid brief generated by a set of numbers that are the interpretation of target group analysis conducted by a team of marketing professionals. No thanks, but I am glad other companies work that way.
Tell us a little bit about the barista campaign in the States, and how you recruited them as part of the ‘Post Milk Generation’?
Our Barista Edition oat milk is world class. It tastes super creamy, complements coffee rather than smothers it, and is micro-foamable – which basically means it performs like milk. Our aim was to get people to try it and they would taste the difference compared to other dairy alternatives. Historically, the way to do this would be to offer tasting samples at the local supermarket, which is so dorky.
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