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            basically him complaining that he didn’t want to be in the films. His resistance to take part is real and I think viewers sense this immediately. Nothing is funnier than a reluctant CEO. In the second set of films, we focused on exposing the position
that the dairy industry has in Swedish schools.
In Sweden, the EU subsidises milk in schools in return for putting up propaganda posters all over the school. Basically, the EU buys ad space on the walls of the schools. So, we wanted to expose this fact. When kids get to the age of 13 or 14 in Sweden, the government sends parents a guidebook on how to deal with their kids when they start asking them to buy alcohol. We did the same, but we made a guidebook on how to deal with their parents when their parents forced them to drink milk. It was a very in-depth, well researched and executed campaign. If you just look at me running around in a cow head discussing things with Toni it might not make total sense, but then maybe it works even better.
What does media mean for Oatly? How do you think about media?
By nature, people aren’t interested in what a company has to say, especially if all they are
trying to do is sell their products. I think that’s the departure point for whatever we do. You’ve got to have some way to engage people in conversation, to get them thinking about things. When it’s oat milk that you want them to think about, you are already in a hole, so you have to make whatever you are going to say interesting. Much of what we do allows people to take a step outside the monotony of their
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