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              An Overview
People’s Champion
The People’s Champion is a brand with a mandate: it sees itself as standing up for a group of people who have been short-served or exploited by the establishment for too long, because the market leader has been relentlessly putting its own needs (and profits) first.
This narrative champions the primacy of this exploited group’s interests – their needs, their perspective, so long apparently ignored or deprioritised. In doing so the People’s Champion often takes the moral high ground, seeking to deposition the historic leader as being at best out of touch, and at worst a cynically exploitative fat cat.
As such, the People’s Champion is an agent
of change, not just protest. It fights in its disenfranchised community’s corner through offering an alternative model for success, and solutions that start with their interests at heart. T-Mobile in the US – embodied by its Chief Executive Officer, John Legere – have famously called out not simply the network leader but the entire rest of the category as arrogant and stupid, not listening to the real pain points their customers feel in a ‘broken’ category.

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